Hard Case

Hard Case Read Online Free PDF

Book: Hard Case Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Lapthorne
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
and I want to isolate him until one of the doctors can check him over. This will be perfect. Is everything all right?”
    “Oh yes,” Steven replied with a smile. “Just finishing up my shift—late, as usual. We’ll get out of your way, then.”
    Troy marveled at how he could look so innocent after what they’d done against that door not five minutes ago. The man was better than he at acting and lying—and Troy had never thought his skills lacking in that area.
    “All right, see you tomorrow,” the Matron replied, her mind clearly already elsewhere.
    Troy followed as Steven led him through the maze of corridors and wards. Eager excitement hammered at his heart and not the usual sort of starting a new case or the thrill of hunting down the villain and puzzling out a new problem. Sure, he was happy to be starting a new investigation, but this time it was so much more.
    Steve had put a spring in his step. This man was directly responsible for his excellent mood, and Troy couldn’t wait to see where it all led.
    They paused next to a door clearly marked as the exit. The automatic doors opened and a chill, blustery wind had Troy shivering. He pulled his jacket closed.
    “I’ll just be a few minutes,” Steve said. “I’m looking forward to that shower you promised me.”
    Troy grinned. He hadn’t thought far ahead enough to imagine the potential for naughty water play. The large clock on the wall above the reception desk had his smile dimming.
    “Office hours will be over soon,” Troy pointed out. “If we’re going to catch Marshall, we won’t be able to linger long. Can I get a rain check on that for tonight?”
    “I could probably fit it into my schedule,” Steve said with a wicked wink. “Don’t move too far. I’ll be right back.”
    Troy watched, unabashedly checking out Steve’s tight ass as he walked away. No one else seemed to pay Steven the least bit of attention, but Troy knew he would forever associate hospitals—and Steve in particular—with the sensual experience they’d just shared.
    He’d never be shy about coming over to the hospital again. That was for sure.
    * * * *
    Troy pulled up in front of the small flat Steve had led him to.
    “I just need a quick shower,” Steve promised. “I know we’re in a rush. I’ll just be five minutes.”
    Troy grinned at him. “Don’t worry. I know you’ll not try and tie me to a chair and have your way with me.”
    Heat glittered in Steve’s eyes.
    “Well,” he drawled. “Maybe not this time, Troy. But just be aware that next time…all bets are off.”
    Troy laughed, loving how Steve could make simple teasing so… hot .
    “Forewarned is forearmed,” he agreed. “Though surely now the surprise will be gone? What happened to spontaneity?”
    “I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve. Don’t you worry,” Steve murmured. He opened the car door before Troy could reply. The men exchanged sensual glances and Steve climbed out of the car.
    Troy locked the car as Steve pulled his keys from his pocket. Steve led him up to the door then unlocked it. Curious, Troy glanced around the Spartan flat. Clean and neat, the place nevertheless looked well lived in. A coat rack stood near the front door—a few scarves, umbrellas and another coat all stored within easy reach.
    Steve walked straight past it and waved farther down the hall.
    “Kitchen’s that way, if you want a cuppa,” he offered, “but I really will be quick.”
    Troy watched that tight, sleek ass walk through the doorway into another room. A moment later he heard the spray of water hitting tiles. He continued down the hall, expecting to go have a look at the kitchen but then stopped mid-stride.
    The mental image of Steve naked, wet and hot, filled his head. Need thrummed through Troy’s blood. He licked his lips. Why pass up such a golden opportunity? Sure, they were in a rush, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t enjoy what time they had.
    Backtracking, Troy entered
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