Hanchart Land

Hanchart Land Read Online Free PDF

Book: Hanchart Land Read Online Free PDF
Author: Becky Barker
it work," he insisted tersely. "If we get married, it's for life. That's the only string attached. If you marry me, I'll never agree to a divorce. Never. So understand that from the start."
    "Never's a long time if we learn to hate each other," she felt compelled to mention.
    "I swear on my life I'll never abuse you or cheat on you. I'll expect the same vow of fidelity, regardless of how tough things get. Other than that, there are no strings."
    "Not even a prenuptial agreement?" Luke's frown deepened. Was she testing him? "Do you think either one of our mothers signed one?"
    That brought a small smile to her lips. Her parents had been deeply in love. Regardless of everything that had come since their deaths, Susan would always be grateful for the emotional security their love had instilled in her. "Are you hesitating because you're still in mourning for Shane?"
    Her brow furrowed. Shane might be dead, but the knowledge he'd used to blackmail her would always be a threat to her peace of mind. If she married Luke, it could possibly destroy any hope for their happiness. “So what's your answer?" he demanded impatiently. "Can you walk away or will you stay and marry me?"
    His expression and tone were so fierce it made Susan wonder if he resented the attraction they shared.
    "I have to ask just one more question," she insisted, her gaze locking with his.  "I understand that the land is important to you, but does your sudden proposal have anything at all to do with Shane?" She didn't want a marriage based on misplaced loyalty, a sense of responsibility or even male rivalry.
    Luke hesitated just an instant longer than she could tolerate. She stiffened and moved abruptly away from him. "Then it's thanks, but no thanks." Turning, she headed for the door. "I have to be on my way."
    "Dammit, Susan, wait," he commanded sharply.  She ignored him and hurried toward the door, but the instant she stepped out of the barn and into the blistering sunshine, her head started to whirl. The midmorning temperature was already in the nineties and hit her like a ball of fire. First she was stunned, and then everything went dark. It was like falling in slow motion and being helpless to stop.
    Luke was close enough to catch her and break her fall. He scooped her into his arms, realizing she’d passed out. He held her close to his chest while striding toward the house and yelling for the housekeeper.
    "Rosa!" His voice had a resounding roar that easily carried across the barnyard to the house.  The short, round Hispanic woman met him at the back door, her dark eyes concerned. She held the door while he carried Susan into the house.
    "What happened?"
    "I don't know. She just rushed out of the barn and collapsed. It might be the heat."
        "She's used to the heat,” Rosa argued. "She's probably collapsed from exhaustion. Put her on the couch in the living room. I'll get some water and a damp cloth for her forehead."
       "Call Doc Peters and see if he can get out here or if I should bring her to the clinic."
    Rosa went to do his bidding while Luke eased Susan onto the sofa. He shoved aside cushions so she could lie flat, laid her arms next to her body and then tugged her boots off her feet to make her more comfortable.  When he reached to brush a wayward strand of hair from her face, her eyelids fluttered, and she began to stir.
    A frown creased her forehead, and she slowly opened her eyes, staring at his face in confusion. She lifted a hand to brush her fingers over her eyes, and then gradually became more aware of her surroundings. It was unsettling to find herself in the house and not remember getting there. Being prone on the sofa with Luke leaning over her did nothing to reassure her.
    "What happened?" she managed to ask, her voice a bare whisper. She tried to lift herself on one elbow, but found the effort too much for her.
    His jaw clenched. "I don't know what happened. You just fainted."
    "I've never fainted in my life."
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