Guardian Angel

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Book: Guardian Angel Read Online Free PDF
Author: David Trebus
back at him. He looked at her for what seemed an eternity. He finally looked away and nodded, as if agreeing with himself.
    “You, Jasmine, will continue to look after Michael down on Earth. In the past, such instances have been occasionally suppressed, with the human’s memories removed and the guardian reassigned, but in this case, I have been instructed that you should remain by his side, and his memory be left in place.”
    Jasmine felt relieved at being released from the Metatron’s gaze. It was not unpleasant but an intense experience that left her feeling drained. She also felt happy that she was to remain by her charge’s side. She had been with Michael ever since his birth, watching over him, comforting him from afar. To lose him now would have been like losing a lover.
    “ Thank you, High one, I can only hope I will continue to do my duties well."
    The Metatron laughed loudly at Jasmine's reply and stood up. He offered Jasmine his hand to help her up. He pulled her up gently, then placed his hands on either side of her shoulders.
    “ You are an amusing one, Jasmine. But your devotion and respect have always earned you a special place in the symphony. Do not fear your duties, for you are easily capable of performing them. But know this. We suspect infernal involvement in what happened, so be cautious and watchful.
      “ You have been given an even greater responsibility. Your charge is aware of you and now has belief of things beyond his realm. Even I do not know what will happen from now, but have faith that you are where you are for a good reason, and look after Michael well,” The Metatron again looked directly into Jasmine’s eyes, although this time without his piercing sight.
    “ Thank you, I'll try my best to keep him safe,” Jasmine replied, feeling her voice tremble. The thought of infernal involvement had shaken her; she'd never had to face down the designs of the enemy directly before. She was having an unaccustomed bout of emotional frailty today.
    “I know you will. Now go, for your charge is unsure and will need your guidance more than ever. At least you will be able to give it to him directly now. If you ever need guidance yourself, you know where I am. We are always here for you Jasmine, just as you are for him.”
      He guided her to the arch, where, he turned at the threshold and bowed deeply. The Metatron placed his hand on her head and smiled again, before returning to the centre of the room and watching her leave.
       “ Now things are truly set in motion." He whispered, looking up at the ceiling. "I only hope the two of them are ready for what awaits, them and love, faith and hope do not abandon them.”
    A bright light shone down upon him and a beautiful music played on the instruments encased in the pillars. Again, the Metatron smiled, nodding.
    “ Then I have no need to doubt. I will have faith in them.”
      Jasmine steppe d out through the arch. She felt the clouds beneath her feet and all around her, other angels were busy with their duties. She was having trouble controlling her emotions, with all that had occurred. She might lose her mind if she didn’t find some control.
    Angels had emotions like humans, so that they could feel the prime virtues of love, hope and faith. They had rejoiced, sung, loved, and prayed. However, such unadulterated emotion had led to the downfall of some, and to the wars in heaven. Some had embraced darker passions and had fallen from grace. After that, all angels learnt rigid self-control over their feelings, only expressing them in certain ways, through prayer, music or their tasks.
    Jasmine took some deep breaths and mastered herself, remembering her lessons. She focused her thoughts inwards and tuned herself to the symphony all around her. She could see the notes flowing, feel the melodies in her spirit. Her calm reasserted itself as her emotions returned to their suppressed state. She smiled and opened her
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