
Grown-up Read Online Free PDF

Book: Grown-up Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kim Fielding
wasn’t awful or anything. We just mutually agreed that it wasn’t working out.”
    “See? You even break up like an adult. My last boyfriend? We met online and we were together, like, less than a week. Then he stole all my cash and tried to use my credit card to buy himself a new TV.” That hadn’t worked out well for the dickwad because the card was maxed out. But by the time Austin figured out what had happened, the cash was gone forever.
    “What do you want from me, Austin?”
    Austin walked across the office and crouched in front of Ben’s chair, using the arms for balance. “Just… teach me. Tell me what I need to do to grow up. Please.”
    Ben gave him a long look, and Austin couldn’t read his expression. But then Ben smiled—just a tiny bit—and Austin had to restrain himself from hugging the guy.
    “Fine,” said Ben. “I’ll give it a try.”

Chapter Four
    A PPARENTLY THE first step of being a grown-up was not flaking off work to discuss how to grow up. Ben insisted on finishing the day’s work, so Austin stuck around too, heading into the shop area and trying to make himself useful. At least his headache had disappeared, and for the first time in forever, he felt like a man with a plan.
    Hey! Progress already!
    Sam reappeared midafternoon. He seemed slightly surprised that Austin was still working.
    “How was the real estate hunt?” Austin asked as he dumped an armload of flattened cardboard boxes onto the recycling pile.
    “Meh. The place has the right square footage, but the ceilings are too low. Makes it feel closed in. And parking’s crappy around there.”
    Ben must have been listening from inside the office, because he shouted, “Ask Austin what he thinks about renting retail space.”
    Sam raised his eyebrows. “I wasn’t aware you had an opinion on the matter, Ozzy.”
    Austin blushed a little at his father’s use of his ancient nickname. He turned aside and straightened the top of the stacked cardboard. Sam was still looking at him expectantly, so Austin sighed. “It’s no big deal. I just think selling from here is a better idea.”
    “Oh? Why’s that?” Sam looked genuinely interested, not like he was humoring Austin or expecting him to say something idiotic. That was nice. Sam always claimed to have confidence in his younger son, but it was reassuring to see solid evidence of it.
    Wiping his hands nervously on his jeans, Austin explained. And his father listened carefully with a thoughtful expression, rubbing a thumb against his chin. After Austin finished, Sam nodded. “Those are some really good points, kiddo.”
    “They’re just ideas,” said Austin, who wanted to squirm with pleasure.
    “You know, Bill and I don’t have any experience in retail, and you have quite a bit.”
    “Well, not furniture.”
    “Maybe not.” Sam chuckled. “But you’ve sold a good variety of other things, haven’t you?”
    That was true. In addition to shoes, Austin had sold clothing—both men’s and women’s—and jewelry, electronics, books, kitchenware, cell phone plans, hardware, organic produce, and, in one particularly disastrous venture, sporting goods.
    Sam clapped Austin’s shoulder. “I appreciate your input. I’m going to have to think about it, talk it over with Bill. But this is really helpful.” He walked away, whistling “I Feel Pretty” from West Side Story . How the man had managed to convince people for more than thirty years that he was straight mystified Austin.
    Not too much later, the factory crew clocked out. A few of them said good-bye to Austin as they left. Sam took off too. But Austin had promised to stay to make up for his late arrival, and he carried through on that commitment, tidying up some of the work surfaces and giving the floor another sweep with the push broom. Only when he swung by the office did he realize that Ben was still around. “Hey,” Austin said, leaning the broom against a wall. “It’s almost seven. You weren’t
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