Gringa - in the Clutches of a Ruthless Drug Lord - 2

Gringa - in the Clutches of a Ruthless Drug Lord - 2 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Gringa - in the Clutches of a Ruthless Drug Lord - 2 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eve Rabi
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
hisses threats whenever she sees me. Clearly she hasn’t forgiven me for disrespecting her during the Austin incident. Her insults and cursing grows in intensity and I know it’s only a matter of time before she avenges herself, so I’m wary. And scared.
    To add to her frustration, she probably realizes she is losing control over Diablo these days. He seems eager to hold onto me and her jealousy and insecurity surfaces randomly.
    Today, Christa is yelling at everyone about something . Diablo is out for the day, so I tread carefully and avoid her. I’m in the courtyard when Tongue suddenly walks up to me and presses against me.
    ‘Can you feel my hard on? We go to my room? Whachusay, eh?’
    The men laugh at Tongue’s antics, but Troy yells at him to leave me alone. Tongue and Troy engage in another heated argument. To my horror, Tongue draws his gun and fires into the air.
    Troy immediately backs away.
    Christa arrives on the on horseback and demands an explanation. She listens to both guys and yells at Tongue to holster his weapon. Then she looks pointedly at me and I flinch.
    ‘Maria,’ she yells, ‘bring my whiiip.’
    Now Tongue’s going to really get it. Good.
    Maria hesitates and glances at me.
    Christa turns really slowly and gives Maria a cold, hard stare.
    Maria quickly runs into the villa and returns with Christa’s whip.
    Christa takes the whip, smiles and trots towards Tongue. But suddenly, she turns and lashes at me, tearing my dress of my back.
    I scream in agony and even try to run, but she’s on horseback and has an advantage over me - she whips me again.
    Troy, who I believe is my savior by now, runs after Christa and tries to grab the whip off her, but he’s not fast enough. I get a third lash before he manages to yank the whip out of Christa’s hands.
    I lie on the ground whimpering and in agony. My clothes are in tatters, the skin on my back is in shreds and I’m going into shock.
    Troy kneels next to me. ‘Gringa … Gringa …’ The distress in his voice tells me that I’m in worse shape than I thought.
    Maria and Rosa hold each other and cry, but they do not help me. I realize by now that they dare not or they will suffer the same fate as me.
    ‘Gringa ... Gringa …’ Troy chants.
    ‘Diablo ...’ I whisper, still expecting Christa to whip me, ‘get ... Dia …blo ...’
    Then I hear the thunder of hooves and turn my head slowly to the side. There he is - my big, terrifying beast on a black horse, galloping at me at an incredible speed, looking as terrifying as he did when I first encountered him. At that time, I was petrified of him, thinking of him as a monster. It’s a different story now - he’s my rescuer today and he’s going to save me from the vindictive witch with the whip.
    At the sight of me lying on the ground, bloodied and in tatters, Diablo suddenly slows down and trots towards me.
    ‘Gringa …’ I see him mouth.
    ‘Diablo!’ Christa says. ‘How nice to see you. I think you cooome home tomorrow, eh?’
    Diablo does not answer, his eyes are fixed on me. He looks at Troy for an explanation.
    Troy explodes in Spanish and points to Tongue and Christa. Diablo listens silently, his eyes hooding up and his jaws starting to jut. Then he nods, takes the whip off Troy and rides up to Christa.
    ‘No Diablo!’ Christa screams. ‘I’m your mooother! Pleeeeease!’
    Diablo lashes out at her. She falls off her horse and we hear a snap – like the sound of a bone breaking.
    I had no idea Diablo would turn on his own mother because of me!
    Next, Diablo turns to Tongue.
    ‘No, no, no Diablo!’ Tongue pleads. ‘Is a misunderstanding, that’s all, amigo .’
    The closer Diablo trots, the more desperate Tongues voice becomes.
    Diablo lashes out at him. Tongue screams in agony and sinks to his knees. Diablo whips him again and again. Three lashes.
    Not finished with Christa, Diablo turns and looks at her.
    She drags herself into one of the villas and bolts the door.
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