Green Ice: A Deadly High

Green Ice: A Deadly High Read Online Free PDF

Book: Green Ice: A Deadly High Read Online Free PDF
Author: Christian Fletcher
himself, trying to shake off the initial shock. “No, leave it alone. We can’t afford to get tangled up with any kind of law enforcement. Anyhow, I don’t think the cops are on 911 in Mexico. I think it’s 066 but that’s not the issue here.”
    “What was wrong with that guy? He looked totally wired, man. Was he seriously eating those people back there?” Trey glanced back into his mirror to check the guy was clearly out of sight.
    “I don’t know what the hell he was doing. He was probably out of his brains on some kind of narcotic or other,” Mancini sighed. “We have to just try and forget about it.”
    “But those people were dead, right?” Trey continued.
    “I don’t know, probably,” Mancini stuttered. “We can’t do anything for them now. Let’s just get on with our job. Don’t think about it. I’ve seen worse shit than that.”
    “Such as?”
    Mancini glanced at Trey. The kid’s face was pale and sweaty and his hands trembled on the steering wheel. Mancini knew he was going to have to calm his driver down or they may succumb to some sort of road collision themselves.
    “Slow it down a bit, will you?” Mancini said. “That crazy bastard has gone now and he won’t catch up with us.”
    Trey glanced in his mirror again but eased off the gas a little. “What if he comes after us in that truck? Maybe he’s some kind of serial killer who chases people in his truck, then like runs them down and eats them while they’re laying on the ground, all busted up and shit.”
    “Calm down, Trey,” Mancini said. “We have to stay focused.” He took out his smokes and offered Trey the pack. He refused at first but had second thoughts and took one.
    “I’m trying to quit these damn things,” he muttered.
    Mancini lit the m both with his Zippo and sat back in his seat. “I seen some real shitty sights when I was on the ground in Iraq,” Mancini sighed. “Some of the things I saw in that place make that situation back there look like a kid’s party.”
    “Seriously? What kind of things?” Trey shot Mancini a sideways glance.
    “Ah, I’m not going into all that now. I spent a long time putting that horrific shit out of my mind. But I’ve also seen some pretty bad things at home, on the streets of LA.”
    “Yeah?” Trey was curious.
    Mancini knew he’d have to spin a story to keep the kid’s mind off the scene of carnage a mile or so behind them. He decided on a suitably horrific yarn to recount.
    “ A couple of years ago, me and this other guy…Zamora I think his name was, we had to take a trip out to Skid Row to collect a repayment from some scumbag who owed money all over the place. This guy, Brian Dench, his name was. Sounds like a school teacher, right? He was a walking time bomb and was supposed to be a dealer but he snorted more of the product up his nose than he sold. Well, doing that kind of shit soon got him into trouble and he kept missing his repayments. So, he took out loans to cover what he owed and the whole thing soon spiraled out of control.”
    Mancini took a last puff on his cigarette and tossed the butt out of the car.
    “Anyhow, me and Zamora went to his house and we knocked on his door. Surprise, surprise, there’s no answer, which is usual when the repayment guys come knocking. The place is littered with trash and broken windows, a real shithole, you know?”
    Trey nodded.
    “And there’s this real bad smell around the place, like that hazy burning stench you get around the back of those down-market food joints. Zamora looked through one of the windows and he was a big mean guy…he just threw up. I mean, hurled right there on the front porch of this damn place. I took a look through this broken window and saw a sorry excuse for a kitchen inside. The room was totally wrecked with broken furniture, shit and trash all over the place; the walls were brown, covered in grease and blood. And this real bad smell is almost overpowering now. I’m nearly chucking up
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