Grease Monkey Jive

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Book: Grease Monkey Jive Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ainslie Paton
alone, mate, easy prey.”
    “Yeah, alright, I’m going,” said Fluke, half full beer glass in hand, setting off towards the girl. He was back in less than thirty seconds.
    “Not your type?” Dan wanted to laugh, but choked it back. Ant, newly arrived, didn’t feel the same way. “That was brutal man,” he thumped Fluke on the back.
    Dan bought them another round and, several more rounds later, he spied a sassy looking brunette in a halter-neck dress. She’d do. He watched her and when she caught him looking, he smiled at her. She smiled back and the way she slanted her body towards him advertised her interest.
    He dug car keys out of the pocket of his jeans and handed them to Fluke. Fluke loved the Valiant and he’d stop drinking now, so by the time he felt like going, he’d be ok to drive. Hopefully it made up for the humiliation of the white dress. “She’s round the back. I don’t need her tomorrow.”
    “No worries,” said Fluke, pocketing the keys.
    “Later, boys.”
    Her name was Irene or Imelda or Imogen; she was a dental nurse, and an hour later he had her backed up against a wall in the alley way outside the bar with her halter undone and his hands down the front of her dress. She appeared pretty happy about that and had her hands down the front of his pants. She lived close by so after a quick stop over at the bottle shop they went back to her place. They drank, they fucked, they drank some more, and then went at it again, and when Ingrid fell asleep, Dan finished the bottle of rum, found his clothes, and left.
    He was thoroughly wasted and walked for about ten minutes in entirely the wrong direction before he figured out where he was. Grumbling, he turned back the way he’d come, and tried to hail a cab until he realised he didn’t have a wallet. He didn’t have keys either which meant he’d need to use the spare to get in his flat.
    About a kilometre from home, he had a lie down in a bus shelter, just to catch his breath. At four in the morning, he was making his way down Campbell Parade towards home, singing Cold Chisel’s Khe Sahn , his dad’s favourite, when he caught sight of a figure in a plate glass shop window.
    He grinned at the figure and the figure grinned back, a broad shouldered, handsome man with messy hair, his shirt open and flapping, a half full bottle of wine in his hand, and only one sock.
    The man looked like Jimmy.

6. Scent of Power
    “Bruce, this is my girlfriend Alexandra. She’s doing a business degree at the University of Sydney,” said Phil and Alex extended her hand to his boss. “Alex, this is Bruce, he runs the department,” Phil finished, beaming at Alex proudly.
    “Nice to meet you, Alex,” said Bruce. He introduced his wife and another three colleagues and their partners leaving Alex frantic to remember who had what colour tie on and who was married to whom.
    She was dog tired and her feet were aching after a full day rehearsing yesterday and the first competition event today. She was also very excited to be here with Phil as his guest at the bank’s anniversary celebration and to have won her heat with Scott. She was secretly delighted at how easy the win was and one look at Scott’s Uncle Trevor who owned Wallace Studios confirmed it. Trevor was ecstatic. No one still alive had won more championships than Trevor so he knew what he was being ecstatic about, primarily the fact that Scott and Alex looked set to beat his record.
    Part of her had wanted to go with Scott and Trevor to celebrate and to plot the next competition appearance, but Phil really wanted her to be with him and this was an important night for him, important for his career, or so he’d said about a hundred times.
    Gran had made her a new dress and she knew she looked good. They’d used a Vogue pattern and the material was lilac sand-washed silk that fell against her body in soft waves.
    No one would be able to tell it wasn’t a shop bought dress; it was elegant and sophisticated,
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