Grace Remix

Grace Remix Read Online Free PDF

Book: Grace Remix Read Online Free PDF
Author: Paul Ellis
Tags: Chistian Grace
this gift is that we can make choices
    contrary to God’s will.
    The “God is sovereign” mantra is trotted out every time something bad happens but it’s just
    not true. The word sovereign is not even in the Bible!
    The truth is that God is not sovereign in the sense that he always gets what he wants. His
    will is not always done. Why do you think Jesus taught us to pray, “Let your will be done on
    earth as it is in heaven”?
    But the good news is that God will write the final chapter of human history and for those
    who trust him all things will work out for good.



    Lie #3: “God could’ve stopped this from happening but didn’t”

    A boy takes a loaded gun to school and God doesn’t stop him. An earthquake flattens a city and
    God does nothing. What kind of God is this?!
    The “God could’ve stopped this but didn’t” chestnut is another way of saying, “This bad
    thing is God’s fault. He allowed it to happen.”
    Like the other two lies we’ve looked at, there’s a measure of truth behind this. Everything
    that happens happens because God gave us the freedom to do what we like, even the freedom
    to hate and kill each other and then blame him for what we did. Of course, we look like fools
    when we do this. We look like Adam who blamed God for giving him a woman who led him
    into sin (Genesis 3:12).
    We are masters at playing the blame game. When something bad happens we blame our
    genes, our parents, our spouses, our kids. We blame the government, the system, immigrants,
    terrorists, so we might as well go the whole way and blame God. “I got sick. God allowed this
    to happen. God is at fault.”
    Jesus, on the other hand, never blamed anyone. He just took responsibility for other
    people’s messes and fixed them.
    Believe the lie that God is behind everything that happens and you’ll end up in the ash heap
    of life licking your wounds and examining your navel like a perplexed Job. You’ll bend over
    whenever the devil wants to kick you. Who wants to live like that?
    The truth is God doesn’t always stop bad things from happening. The good news is that
    sometimes you can. You can bring the weight of his purposes to bear on your circumstances by
    trusting him. You can walk through the valley of the shadow of death without fear knowing
    that he is with you.

A simple test
    Which of the following Jesuses is found the Bible?

    Jesus #1 sat around powerless, making excuses and doing nothing to help those who had
    been made sick by God
    Jesus #2 went around in the power of the Spirit doing good and healing all who were
    oppressed by the devil

    Hopefully you know the second Jesus is true (see Acts 10:38). Yet sometimes we who claim to
    follow Christ look more like the first Jesus. We’re not walking in the power of the spirit and
    we’re not healing the sick. Instead we’re making excuses like, “God is in control. It’s his fault,
    not ours.”



    I don’t write this to condemn you but to make you angry at Satan’s lies. James said “resist
    the devil and he will flee from you.” It’s that simple. We resist, he flees. But we won’t resist if
    we think God is doing the devil’s work and making us sick, killing our kids, and robbing us
    God is not making you sick and poor! He is not the reason you lost your money, your job,
    your marriage, or your kids. These are the tragedies of a world cursed by Adam’s sin. But the
    good news is that one greater than Adam has come and given you authority to proclaim the
    good news of his kingship to all creation. Are you sick? Talk to your sickness about Jesus by
    whose stripes you are healed (1 Peter 2:24). Are you poor? Talk to your bank account about
    your rich King who became poor so that through his poverty you might become rich (2
    Corinthians 8:9). Have you been robbed, discouraged, and beaten by life? Then be like David
    and strengthen yourself in the Lord your
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