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Artificial intelligence,
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Science & Technology,
Individual Artists,
Bach; Johann Sebastian,
Intelligence (AI) & Semantics,
G'odel; Kurt,
Escher; M. C
illusion, or double-meaning. Mathematicians were among the first admirers of Escher's drawings, and this is understandable because they often are based on mathematical principles of symmetry or pattern ... But there is much more to a typical Escher drawing than just symmetry or pattern; there is often an underlying idea, realized in artistic form. And in particular, the Strange Loop is one of the most recurrent themes in Escher's work. Look, for example, at the lithograph Waterfall (Fig. 5), and compare its six-step endlessly falling loop with the six-step endlessly rising loop of the "Canon per Tonos". The similarity of vision is
FIGURE 6. Ascending and Descending, by M. C. Escher (lithograph, 1960).
remarkable. Bach and Escher are playing one single theme in two different "keys": music and art.
Escher realized Strange Loops in several different ways, and they can be arranged according to the tightness of the loop. The lithograph Ascending and Descending (Fig. 6), in which monks trudge forever in loops, is the loosest version, since it involves so many steps before the starting point is regained. A tighter loop is contained in Waterfall, which, as we already observed, involves only six discrete steps. You may be thinking that there is some ambiguity in the notion of a single "step"-for instance, couldn't Ascending and Descending be seen just as easily as having four levels (staircases) as forty-five levels (stairs)% It is indeed true that there is an inherent
FIGURE 7. Hand with Reflecting Globe. Self-portrait In, M. C. Escher (lithograph, 1935).
haziness in level-counting, not only in Escher pictures, but in hierarchical, many-level systems. We will sharpen our understanding of this haziness later on. But let us not get too distracted now' As we tighten our loop, we come to the remarkable Drawing Hands (Fig. 135), in which each of two hands draws the other: a two-step Strange Loop. And finally, the tightest of all Strange Loops is realized in Print Gallery (Fig. 142): a picture of a picture which contains itself. Or is it a picture of a gallery which contains itself? Or of a town which contains itself? Or a young man who contains himself'? (Incidentally, the illusion underlying Ascending and Descending and Waterfall was not invented by Escher, but by Roger Penrose, a British mathematician, in 1958. However, the theme of the Strange Loop was already present in Escher's work in 1948, the year he drew Drawing Hands. Print Gallery dates from 1956.)
Implicit in the concept of Strange Loops is the concept of infinity, since what else is a loop but a way of representing an endless process in a finite way? And infinity plays a large role n many of Escher's drawings. Copies of one single theme often fit into each'
other, forming visual analogues to the canons of Bach. Several such patterns can be seen in Escher's famous print Metamorphosis (Fig. 8). It is a little like the "Endlessly Rising Canon": wandering further and further from its starting point, it suddenly is back. In the tiled planes of Metamorphosis and other pictures, there are already suggestions of infinity. But wilder visions of infinity appear in other drawings by Escher. In some of his drawings, one single theme can appear on different levels of reality. For instance, one level in a drawing might clearly be recognizable as representing fantasy or imagination; another level would be recognizable as reality. These two levels might be the only explicitly portrayed levels. But the mere presence of these two levels invites the viewer to look upon himself as part of yet another level; and by taking that step, the viewer cannot help getting caught up in Escher's implied chain of levels, in which, for any one level, there is always another level above it of greater "reality", and likewise, there is always a level below, "more imaginary" than it is. This can be mind-boggling in itself. However, what happens if the chain of levels is not linear, but forms a loop?