Glorious Appearing: The End Of Days
prepared remarks about the difficulty of suddenly being ripped away from New Babylon, of losing computer contact with the source of commerce and leadership, to a man or woman each began to weep. Their shoulders heaved, their lips quivered, their voices caught. From everywhere came vivid pictures of giants of commerce disintegrating into sobs.
    “All is lost!” the woman in charge of the Tokyo Exchange wailed. “Had we been able to restore our connections within twenty-four hours, this might have been salvageable, but our entire economy is tied to New Babylon, and to see the pictures of her lying in utter ruin, smoke rising into space, well, it’s just, just… hopeless!” And she fell apart. Moments later came the report that she had committed suicide, as had many in the sub-potentate’s cabinet there.
    A captain of industry from Europe announced that he had thousands of ships at sea that would virtually be dead in the water before the next sunrise.
    Unity Army officials in the United North American States submitted their resignations en masse, “knowing that we face court-martial and execution,” because they had lost all their resources and would not be able to send reinforcements to Armageddon. “And wait until the millions of troops already marshaled there realize that no more food is coming, let alone any pay.”
    As countless such reports flooded GC broadcast headquarters, some opportunistic official there kept forwarding them to Carpathia and asking what should be done.
    Chang intercepted all such interactions and was amused at Carpathia’s obvious rage. “Do not make me say it again,” Carpathia shot back. “No such reports are to be made public. I am not to be quoted except to say that this seemingly devastating loss will be remedied by our victory in the Jezreel Valley, in Edom, and especially in Jerusalem, where I shall establish my eternal kingdom as the one and only true god. The temporary losses of finances and commerce will be forgotten once
    I have ushered in the ultimate New World Order. There will no longer be a shred of opposition from man or spirit, and this planet will become a paradise of bounty for all. ”
    Chang hurried out and joined Naomi. “Sometimes I think I’m looking forward to the end of all this just so I can get some rest. ”
    Naomi laughed and mimicked him. “Good to see You, Lord. Can I get back to You after a nap?”
    “Go now, now, now!” the Unity Army commander hollered, rousting Mac and the other troops and their platoons out of the Church of the Flagellation. “You will be exposed only briefly! The mortars will be launched from behind you, and by the time the rebels take aim, they will be struck. Go! Go! Go!”
    The troops, most half Mac’s age or younger, looked wide-eyed and panicky, but they seemed to gather strength and courage from one another. Again Mac maneuvered so he was at the back as they sprinted toward the Pools of Bethesda. “Ten seconds!” came the bullhorned announcement from behind them, but it came too late. Those in the front, clearly terrified that they had come within firing range of the resistance, slowed and many stopped, crouching and aiming.
    That caused those behind to run into them, and many were trampled. Mac heard swearing and screaming just before the rebels opened fire. Unity forces quickly retaliated, but every second without supporting mortar fire made them more vulnerable. To Mac it seemed as if the crowd was about to turn back in a rage, firing upon their own superiors.
    And the mortars were launched. Because so many in front of Mac had dropped, he had a clear view of the scruffy rebels, their faces mirroring the terror of seeing mortar shells arcing directly at their positions. They were shoulder to shoulder, not uniformed, pale and wasted from surviving more than most of their comrades had been able to endure. They had proudly stood their ground and defied the GC to overrun them and their shrine, but in an instant it would
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