I’m, I’m fucked on the board. You. You see how . . . I . . . (Pause.) I can’t . . . my mind must be in other places. ‘Cause I can’t do any . . .
Roma: What ? You can’t do any what? (Pause.)
Aaronow: I can’t close ‘em.
Roma: Well, they’re old. I saw the shit that they were giving you.
Aaronow: Yes.
Roma: Huh?
Aaronow: Yes. They are old.
Roma: They’re ancient.
Aaronow: Clear . . .
Roma: Clear Meadows. That shit’s dead. (Pause.)
Aaronow: It is dead.
Roma: It’s a waste of time.
Aaronow: Yes. (Long pause.) I’m no fucking good.
Roma: That’s . . .
Aaronow: Everything I . . . you know . . .
Roma: That’s not . . . Fuck that shit, George. You’re a, hey, you had a bad month. You’re a good man, George.
Aaronow: I am?
Roma: You hit a bad streak. We’ve all . . . look at this: fifteen units Mountain View, the fucking things get stole.
Aaronow: He said he filed . . .
Roma: He filed half of them, he filed the big one. All the little ones, I have, I have to go back and . . . ah, fuck, I got to go out like a fucking schmuck hat in my hand and reclose the . . . (Pause.) I mean, talk about a bad streak. That would sap anyone’s self confi . . . I got to go out and reclose all my . . . Where’s the phones?
Aaronow: They stole . . .
Roma: They stole the . . .
Aaronow: What. What kind of outfit are we running where . . . where anyone . . .
Roma (To himself): They stole the phones.
Aaronow: Where criminals can come in here . . . they take the . . .
Roma: They stole the phones. They stole the leads. They’re . . . Christ. (Pause.) What am I going to do this month? Oh, shit . . . (Starts for the door.)
Aaronow: You think they’re going to catch . . . where are you going?
Roma: Down the street.
Williamson (Sticking his head out of the door): Where are you going?
Roma: To the restaura . . . what do you fucking . . . ?
Williamson: Aren’t you going out today?
Roma: With what? (Pause.) With what, John, they took the leads . . .
Williamson: I have the stuff from last year’s . . .
Roma: Oh. Oh. Oh, your “nostalgia” file, that’s fine. No. Swell. ‘Cause I don’t have to . . .
Williamson: . . . you want to go out today . . . ?
Roma: ‘Cause I don’t have to eat this month. No. Okay. Give ’em to me . . . (To himself:) Fucking Mitch and Murray going to shit a br . . . what am I going to do all . . .
Williamson starts back into the office. He is accosted by Aaronow.
Aaronow: Were the leads . . .
Roma: . . . what am I going to do all month . . . ?
Aaronow: Were the leads insured?
Williamson: I don’t know, George, why?
Aaronow: ‘Cause, you know, ‘cause they weren’t, I know that Mitch and Murray uh . . . (Pause.)
Williamson: What?
Aaronow: That they’re going to be upset.
Williamson: That’s right. (Going back into his office. Pause. To Roma:) You want to go out today . . . ?
Pause. Williamson returns to his office.
Aaronow: He said we’re all going to have to go talk to the guy.
Roma: What?
Aaronow: He said we . . .
Roma: To the cop?
Aaronow: Yeah.
Roma: Yeah. That’s swell. Another waste of time.
Aaronow: A waste of time? Why?
Roma: Why ? ‘Cause they aren’t going to find the guy.
Aaronow: The cops?
Roma: Yes. The cops. No.
Aaronow: They aren’t?
Roma: No.
Aaronow: Why don’t you think so?
Roma: Why? Because they’re stupid. “Where were you last night . . . ”
Aaronow: Where were you?
Roma: Where was I ?
Aaronow: Yes.
Roma: I was at home, where were you ?
Aaronow: At home.
Roma: See . . . ? Were you the guy who broke in?
Aaronow: Was I?
Roma: Yes.
Aaronow: No.
Roma: Then don’t sweat it, George, you know why?
Aaronow: No.
Roma: You have nothing to hide.
Aaronow (Pause): When I talk to the police, I get nervous.
Roma: Yeah. You know who doesn’t?
Aaronow: No, who?
Roma: Thieves.
Aaronow: Why?
Roma: They’re inured to it.
Aaronow: You think so?
Roma: Yes. (Pause.)
Aaronow: But what should I tell them?
Clive Cussler, Paul Kemprecos
Janet Morris, Chris Morris