Gladiator Bear's Battle (Shift In Time 1)
someone’s eyes. She knew that his would fill her with coldness while Erden’s made her blaze with heat.
    “Have a seat, Senator! Can I offer you some wine?” Julius Augustinus queried, motioning Kiya to come closer.
    She obliged his command obediently, walking to the seated trio with her eyes downcast. First, she poured the wine into the goblet held up by the Senator. He startled her as his hand went over her strong thigh and then up to her stomach, but she did not stop pouring.
    “A fine specimen you have here, Julius Augustinus. Is she well-bred?” Aurelius Clavius queried, talking about Kiya as if she were some prized horse, not a human being.
    His touch made her gag, but she kept her expression stoic as she poured wine for the lanista and then the mistress as well. The lanista’ s wife was out of town currently, otherwise she would have been present and perhaps the Senator a bit better behaved. But amongst men and young women, it was not uncommon for slaves to be used for all sorts of things, gruesome and delicious alike. Julius Augustinus himself kept several slaves he liked to fuck and give to his guests to partake in as well, but the lady’s maids were exempt from this obligation.
    “She is. Daughter of royalty, I believe,” Julius Augustinus said, his lazy gaze rolling over Kiya’s body.
    “It is rare to find good Egyptian slaves these days. With our relations improving with them, they seem to have stopped importing anything but the lowest of the low,” Aurelius Clavius mused as Kiya was excused.
    She could feel his slimy eyes on her until she reached her spot again and sure enough, he was still looking at her when she stopped and turned. Aelia Fausta tossed Kiya a seething look, as if it was her fault that the Senator seemed more inclined to talk about the quality of Julius Augustinus’s slaves than he did anything else.
    Kiya frowned slightly. Her hands shook just the tiniest bit around the jug of wine, but she did her best to keep it from showing. If Aelia Fausta chose to get angry at her, there would be little to nothing she could do about it. But she could keep from feeding that annoyance. A slave’s life was based on the whims of their masters, and Kiya was not about to make her situation any worse than what the Senator was already making it.
    “I don’t disagree. My wife has long been nagging me for a proper Egyptian maid. Presumably only they can oil her right,” Julius Augustinus laughed, drawing Aurelius Clavius’s attention and thankfully relieving Kiya in the process. “Now, Senator. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
    “I saw your lovely daughter after the games and I thought it best to come and pay you a visit,” the Senator said, flashing a wide, toothy grin. “I have heard many good things about you, Julius Augustinus, and the sight of your daughter only compelled me further to come and search for your aid.”
    He was so slippery he could have put eels to shame.
    “My aid? You honor us so, Senator!” the lanista bellowed, exchanging a look with his daughter.
    “It is an honor simply having you in our home, Senator,” Aelia Fausta confirmed, seeming to forget about her ire and putting her efforts into being a charming hostess.
    Kiya could see the little twitches of worry that crossed over the highborn daughter, but she had to admit that Aelia Fausta was doing a fine job of hiding it. Kiya hoped that whatever the Senator had in store would cause Aelia Fausta to forget all about her annoyance with her slaves. What followed next threatened to be more than Kiya bargained for, however.
    “I am honored you say that,” Aurelius Clavius said, sneaking another glance at Kiya. He cupped his hands around his drink and took a deep sip, swishing the wine around in his mouth before swallowing. “I find myself in a precarious situation. I have some Senators coming to visit Macavia, but due to timing issues they have missed the great games for this turn. Yet, I have gushed to them about
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