Giving Chase

Giving Chase Read Online Free PDF

Book: Giving Chase Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lauren Dane
how I acted. At The Pumphouse last Friday and then Sunday at the picnic, as well.” Narrowing her eyes for a moment, Maggie let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “Apology accepted. I’m sorry if I jumped to conclusions at the picnic. I’m usually not that big of a bitch.”
    “I do seem to bring out the best in you.” He chuckled. “For such a little woman, you sure pack a mean punch.” His smile melted her insides. The man was just flat out handsome. Perfect, white teeth.
    Chocolate brown hair that was just a bit too long in the back and looked really soft. But his eyes were startlingly blue. Like the blue of a cloudless summer day. Her stomach fluttered just looking at him.
    “I did not punch you! But you would have deserved it if I had.” She raised an eyebrow. “But according to Cecelia Wright, that’s not what ladies do. We bake and butter wouldn’t melt in our mouths. Oh, and

    Giving Chase
    know how to embroider. Too bad I can’t embroider or know how to keep my mouth shut. I can bake though.” She snorted. I just snorted! Horror roiled through her.
    Instead of being disgusted, he threw back his head and laughed, a deep rich rumbling sound. “Embroidering is overrated anyway, Margaret.
    That is your name, right? I’m Shane Chase by the way. Otherwise known as dumbass.” He held out his hand for her to shake and she pinked a bit. His grip was gentle but sure.
    “I was getting rather fond of thinking of you as Sheriff Dumbass. You were being one you know,” she mumbled and he laughed a bit more.
    “So my mother, brothers, father and half of the town have said.” She laughed at that. “Yes, I’m Margaret but most other people call me Maggie.” She looked around him toward the stands. “Thank you for the apology, Shane. I need to grab some snacks and drinks before heading back. The game’ll be starting soon.”
    “Oh, of course. It was nice to meet you, Maggie. Glad we cleared the air. See ya around.” With a wink and a grin, he put his hands in his pockets and strolled away whistling.
    Was that disappointment she saw in his eyes or wishful thinking on her part? Probably just gas , she snorted to herself.
    He certainly was something else. In truth, she’d never met someone with that kind of sheer masculinity and sex appeal before. It left her a bit breathless. Still, she couldn’t help but watch his ass in those snug jeans as he retreated back toward the stands. And she didn’t feel one bit guilty about it either.
    When she got back she handed out the armful of goodies she’d purchased. “Were the lines long?” Alex put the blanket back over her lap once she’d sat back down.
    “Oh, no, not really. I just saw someone I knew and started talking.” She blew on her hot chocolate.
    Alex frowned. “Oh. Well, I was worried, Maggie.”

    Lauren Dane
    The sharpness of his tone brought her head around to look at him with surprise. Her mouth opened to issue an automatic apology but she clicked her teeth together to stop it. The more she was around him, the more proprietary and paternalistic he became. It troubled her and she doubted she’d be seeing him again after the night ended.
    As they filed out after the game, Shane caught her eye and she waved, smiling as he waved back. Alex noticed and shot an angry glare at Shane.
    In the car, on the way over to The Pumphouse, Alex started in on Maggie about it. “I saw you flirting with the sheriff.” She winced at his tone. Definitely wouldn’t be seeing him again after the date ended. Red flags flew all over the place at his behavior.
    “I wasn’t flirting. I waved at him. I ran into him briefly tonight and he apologized for something he did last week. I saw him as we were leaving the stadium and I waved. If you notice, I waved at his mother and father, too.”
    “You’re with me. You don’t need to talk to other men.” Angrily, he parked the car and got out, leaving Maggie to process her shock and
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