Ghostly Liaison
through her, though.” He released Bridget and lowered his head. “I should have known something was wrong that day. She never came by. I sure do miss her.”
    Damn. Guilt came crashing down on Rob. Murdock wasn’t acting crazy to get attention. He just missed Charlie and their friendship.
    * * * *
    Bridget stared at Henry and her heart went out to him. He was lonely. Maybe she could make a habit of visiting him. It certainly couldn’t do her any harm, and she might get a new friend out of the deal.
    “So what kind of tour was Rob going to give you?” she asked.
    Henry dismissed her with a hand gesture. “It doesn’t matter, I suppose, seeing as how you’ll be living here now. But if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to stop by.” He held his hand out to Rob. “I’ll let you kids go on. Good night.”
    Rob took the offered hand. “Good night, Mr. Murdock. Thanks for all your help.”
    Henry waved and left. Intent on the old gentleman, Bridget hadn’t realized how close she stood beside Rob. His mere presence not only made her head pain-free, but it made her heart rattle. He made no effort to back away. Was he hoping to get in her pants? She probably wouldn’t have hesitated before… Ah, hell. Now she sounded like her mother. Still, she might look fine covered up, but no way would he want the real her. She would hate herself for blowing this great opportunity, but she couldn’t lead him on.
    She walked to the truck and opened the door before he had a chance. Barnaby hopped inside. Rob circled the front of the vehicle and climbed in behind the steering wheel.
    “So, where am I taking you? I assume your parents live someplace close to where I found you this morning?” Rob turned the ignition and the truck roared to life.
    She buckled the seat belt, tugged the latch, and took a deep breath. Here went nothing. “Before we go, can I ask you a question?”
    “Sure, shoot.” He flashed that perfect smile her way. Damn, if she didn’t watch herself, she’d give him anything and that wouldn’t turn out well.
    “What are you expecting to get out of this relationship?” Relationship? Shit! That hadn’t come out right.
    “Relationship?” His brow furrowed in confusion.
    Shit, shit, and double shit. She was wrong, wrong, wrong. Her fragile ego deflated. He wasn’t interested in her. Why had she thought otherwise? “I mean, you have Mr. Murdock watching your place. Why do you need a house sitter?”
    “Oh. Well… If you must know, I hadn’t even thought of one until today.”
    “It was Kate’s idea, wasn’t it?”
    “Yes, but—”
    “I’m not a charity case. If you don’t really need a house sitter—”
    “But I do. She did me a favor in suggesting it. Mr. Murdock has been driving me crazy. I don’t think his eyesight is what it used to be, and he’s been calling me every day. With you living here, maybe he won’t be looking for things to be wrong. If you don’t move in, I might be forced to get an actual house sitter, because I’m not quite ready to sell the place.” His voice cracked at the end and he turned his head away.
    “You were close to her, weren’t you?”
    “Not close enough, apparently.” He rubbed Barnaby’s head.
    She wasn’t going to pry. Everyone had their own demons to slay. “Well, as long as you really need a house sitter…”
    “I do.”
    Feeling confident that he’d probably get one anyway if she didn’t agree, Bridget gave him her address. So what if the attraction went only one-way. It was what she wanted, wasn’t it?

Chapter 4
    “Are you sure you’re going to be okay here by yourself?” Bridget’s mother peeked into the bathroom, avoiding the walls, as if her white blouse and peach slacks would become contaminated. Her eyes widened.
    “Now, Mona. Bridget’s a big girl.” Bridget’s dad placed an arm around Bridget’s shoulders and gave her a reassuring shake. “It’s not like she’s in another state.”
    Standing tall and
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