Ghostly Liaison
chest lightened. Wait a minute. Bridget was the renter?
    Robbie smiled and stepped in close to Bridget. “Tonight if you want.” He pulled a key out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Do you need any help moving?”
    Bridget took the key and stepped back. “Thanks, but no. I’ll have my parents drive me over later with my stuff. My mother will insist on seeing the place. But she won’t talk me out of this. Consider me your house sitter.”
    House sitter, huh? Bridget would certainly be an improvement over the other renters Robbie had found. Not that he was totally to blame. Those idiots had been there for one purpose. But Bridget was different. Charlie pumped her fist in the air. Finally. Someone to help put Carl away.
    Life, death, undeath , whatever—it was starting to look brighter.
    * * * *
    Rob drowned in the depths of Bridget’s eyes. The more he stared at her, the more beautiful she became. And now he’d be seeing her on a regular basis and his heart soared.
    But was he scaring her away? Every time he got close, she backed off. Was that why Kate told him to stay away? Guess he would just have to bide his time. He didn’t need to fix the house that quickly. It was paid for and money wasn’t an issue. No, this summer project would be more than fixing an old house. If he came by all the time, she’d eventually become comfortable in his presence, then maybe they could get to know each other better.
    “Want to grab a bite before I take you home?”
    She smiled. “As tempting as that sounds, I better not anger my mother any more than necessary. I’m sure she has dinner ready.”
    A twinge of disappointment settled over him. Oh well, it’d been worth a shot. There were other nights.
    “Maybe another time.” He held the door open for her and Barnaby and then locked up once they were all outside.
    “Hey, Rob! You here to give me the tour?”
    Crap. The tour had slipped his mind and Bridget had filled the gap and then some. Rob smiled and waved at Murdock as the old man ambled his way across the yard, walking in a slow determined pace. His wiry gray hair bristled in the breeze.
    “I’m sorry,” Rob whispered to Bridget. “I’ll try and make it brief.”
    “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “Guess it won’t hurt to meet the neighbors.”
    When Murdock reached the porch, Barnaby gave him a royal sniffing of a greeting. “Hey there, boy. Haven’t seen you around in a while.”
    “Mr. Murdock, this is Bridget Quigley. She’ll be staying here while I fix up the place.”
    Murdock held out his hand. “Well how do you do? Aren’t you a pretty little thing?”
    Bridget took the offered hand and smiled. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Murdock.”
    “Call me Henry, please. I’m tired of feeling like an old man.”
    She laughed. “Okay, Henry.”
    Henry? Murdock had never suggested Rob call him Henry. And what was with the lingering hand holding? She was young enough to be his granddaughter. Jealousy pricked at Rob.
    “Were you a friend of Charlie’s?”
    She glanced at Rob. “Who’s Charlie?”
    Of course she wouldn’t know who Charlie was. Kate had never mentioned his sister’s name. But before he could explain, Murdock saved him the breath.
    “Charlene Gentry, Rob’s sister.”
    “Oh. No, I never had the pleasure.”
    The old man continued holding Bridget’s hand, even brought the other to join it. Rob gritted his teeth. Why did he get this urge to pull the old man off her? Murdock was only being Murdock.
    “She was something. I think you would have liked her. Rob, did you know she used to stop by every day just to check up on me?”
    Staring at their linked hands, Rob forced himself to look up once Murdock included him in the conversation. “She did?”
    “Well, she wouldn’t admit to checking up on me. She always had some flimsy reason. ‘Mr. Murdock, did you know your hose is out?’ or ‘Mr. Murdock, did you know your garage was open?’” he said with a feminine twang. “I saw
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