Nat: I’ll tell you what I’ll do-
Death: Don’t make any deals with me.
Nat: I’ll play you gin rummy. If you win, I’ll go immediately. If I win, give me some more time. A little bit -one more day.
Death: Who’s got time to play gin rummy?
Nat: Come on. If you’re so good.
Death: Although I feel like a game…
Nat: Come on. Be a sport. We’ll shoot for a half hour.
Death: I really shouldn’t.
Nat: I got the cards right here. Don’t make a production.
Death: All right, come on. We’ll play a little. It’ll relax me.
Nat (getting cards, pad, and pencil): You won’t regret this.
Death: Don’t give me a sales talk. Get the cards and give me a Fresca and put out something. For God’s sake, a stranger drops in, you don’t have potato chips or pretzels.
Nat: There’s M amp;M’s downstairs in a dish.
Death: M amp;M’s. What if the President came? He’d get M amp;M’s too?
Nat: You’re not the President.
Death: Deal.
(Nat deals, turns up a five.)
Nat: You want to play a tenth of a cent a point to make it interesting?
Death: It’s not interesting enough for you?
Nat: I play better when money’s at stake.
Death: Whatever you say, Newt.
Nat: Nat. Nat Ackerman. You don’t know my name?
Death: Newt, Nat-I got such a headache.
Nat: You want that five?
Death: No.
Nat: So pick.
Death (surveying his hand as he picks): Jesus, I got nothing here.
Nat: What’s it like?
Death: What’s what like?
(Throughout the following, they pick and discard.)
Nat: Death.
Death: What should it be like? You lay there.
Nat: Is there anything after?
Death: Aha, you’re saving twos.
Nat: I’m asking. Is there anything after?
Death (absently): You’ll see.
Nat: Oh, then I will actually see something?
Death: Well, maybe I shouldn’t have put it that way. Throw.
Nat: To get an answer from you is a big deal.
Death: I’m playing cards.
Nat: All right, play, play.
Death: Meanwhile, I’m giving you one card after another.
Nat: Don’t look through the discards.
Death: I’m not looking. I’m straightening them up. What was the knock card?
Nat: Four. You ready to knock already?
Death: Who said I’m ready to knock? All I asked was what was the knock card.
Nat: And all I asked was is there anything for me to look forward to.
Death: Play.
Nat: Can’t you tell me anything? Where do we go?
Death: We? To tell you the truth, you fall in a crumpled heap on the floor.
Nat: Oh, I can’t wait for that! Is it going to hurt?
Death: Be over in a second.
Nat: Terrific. (Sighs) I needed this. A man merges with Modiste Originals…
Death: How’s four points?
Nat: You’re knocking?
Death: Four points is good?
Nat: No, I got two.
Death: You’re kidding.
Nat: No, you lose.
Death: Holy Christ, and I thought you were saving sixes.
Nat: No. Your deal. Twenty points and two boxes. Shoot. (Death deals.) I must fall on the floor, eh? I can’t be standing over the sofa when it happens?
Death: No. Play.
Nat: Why not?
Death: Because you fall on the floor! Leave me alone. I’m trying to concentrate.
Nat: Why must it be on the floor? That’s all I’m saying!
Why can’t the whole thing happen and I’ll stand next to the sofa?
Death: I’ll try my best. Now can we play?
Nat: That’s all I’m saying. You remind me of Moe Lefkowitz. He’s also stubborn.
Death: I remind him of Moe Lefkowitz. I’m one of the most terrifying figures you could possibly imagine, and him I remind of Moe Lefkowitz. What is he, a furrier?
Nat: You should be such a furrier. He’s good for