costume and the whitened face?
Nat: Yeah.
Death: Is it Halloween?
Nat: No.
Death: Then I’m Death. Now can I get a glass of water-or a Fresca?
Nat: If this is some joke -
Death: What kind of joke? You’re fifty-seven? Nat Ackerman? One eighteen Pacific Street? Unless I blew it -where’s that call sheet? (He jumbles through pocket, finally producing a card with an address on it. It seems to check.)
Nat: What do you want with me?
Death: What do I want? What do you think I want?
Nat: You must be kidding. I’m in perfect health.
Death (unimpressed): Uh-huh. (Looking around) This is a nice place. You do it yourself?
Nat: We had a decorator, but we worked with her.
Death (looking at picture on the wall): I love those kids with the big eyes.
Nat: I don’t want to go yet.
Death: You don’t want to go? Please don’t start in. As it is, I’m nauseous from the climb.
Nat: What climb?
Death: I climbed up the drainpipe. I was trying to make a dramatic entrance. I see the big windows and you’re awake reading. I figure it’s worth a shot. I’ll climb up and enter with a little-you know… (Snaps fingers)
Meanwhile, I get my heel caught on some vines, the drainpipe breaks, and I’m hanging by a thread. Then my cape begins to tear. Look, let’s just go. It’s been a rough night.
Nat: You broke my drainpipe?
Death: Broke. It didn’t break. It’s a little bent. Didn’t you hear anything? I slammed into the ground.
Nat: I was reading.
Death: You must have really been engrossed. (Lifting newspaper Nat was reading) “NAB COEDS IN POT ORGY.” Can I borrow this?
Nat: I’m not finished.
Death: Er-I don’t know how to put this to you, pal…
Nat: Why didn’t you just ring downstairs?
Death: I’m telling you, I could have, but how does it look? This way I get a little drama going. Something. Did you read Faust?
Nat: What?
Death: And what if you had company? You’re sitting there with important people. I’m Death-I should ring the bell and traipse right in the front? Where’s your thinking?
Nat: Listen, Mister, it’s very late.
Death: Yeah. Well, you want to go?
Nat: Go where?
Death: Death. It. The Thing. The Happy Hunting Grounds. (Looking at his own knee) Y’know, that’s a pretty bad cut. My first job, I’m liable to get gangrene yet.
Nat: Now, wait a minute. I need time. I’m not ready to go.
Death: I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I’d like to, but it’s the moment.
Nat: How can it be the moment? I just merged with Modiste Originals.
Death: What’s the difference, a couple of bucks more or less.
Nat: Sure, what do you care? You guys probably have all your expenses paid.
Death: You want to come along now?
Nat (studying him): I’m sorry, but I cannot believe you’re Death.
Death: Why? What’d you expect-Rock Hudson?
Nat: No, it’s not that.
Death: I’m sorry if I disappointed you.
Nat: Don’t get upset. I don’t know, I always thought you’d be… uh… taller.
Death: I’m five seven. It’s average for my weight.
Nat: You look a little like me.
Death: Who should I look like? I’m your death.
Nat: Give me some time. Another day.
Death: I can’t. What do you want me to say?
Nat: One more day. Twenty-four hours.
Death: What do you need it for? The radio said rain tomorrow.
Nat: Can’t we work out something?
Death: Like what?
Nat: You play chess?
Death: No, I don’t.
Nat: I once saw a picture of you playing chess.
Death: Couldn’t be me, because I don’t play chess. Gin rummy, maybe.
Nat: You play gin rummy?
Death: Do I play gin rummy? Is Paris a city?
Nat: You’re good, huh?
Death: Very