Georgie on His Mind

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Book: Georgie on His Mind Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Shirk
shot back. "Not that it's
any of your business but I don't have condoms on me" He
emptied his pockets before her, pulling out his keys and a
wallet, which seemed to contain only a few credit cards and
a couple of twenty dollar bills.
    She blinked, and her heart began to pound in a frantic
rhythm that told her Nice-Smelling Condom Man had just
made a very good point. Uh-oh. The fierceness of his
assertion-not to mention not a single condom in sightbrought the reality of the situation into focus. More accurately, the significance of what she'd done into focus.
    She'd just made a whopper of a boo-boo.
    Stunned by her own obtuseness, she looked back at Dee,
who-from the tears of laughter running down her faceappeared to have heard and seen the whole exchange. Okay,
she may have jumped the gun on this. She'd always been a
tad on the impetuous side, a character trait she obviously
still had to work on. Worse yet, not only did she fail to catch
a thief, but she didn't think this guy would be asking her out
on a date any time soon.
    Hoping to avoid a store complaint, she tried one more
time. "But you were standing here and ... well, what was I
suppose to think?"
    "Think? How about what any normal person would think?" he asked, his voice rising with every syllable that followed.
"You should have thought, hmm, now there's an intelligent,
law-abiding customer minding his own business. But noooo.
Instead I'm automatically marked as a condom thief. Oooh,
someone call the cops, there's a man in the condom aisle. I
mean, so what? So I'm standing in the condom aisle!"

    A man clearing his throat behind them made them both
flinch. When Georgie dared to look, her boss, Al, stood only
a few feet away with his arms crossed and an exasperated
expression plastered all over his elderly face.
    Wonderful. Not only did she have to answer for the missing condoms, but wrongly accusing a customer too. She was
so fired.
    Al stepped closer, but surprised her by poking the man in
the shoulder and addressing him instead. "Will you please
lower your voice and stop yelling about how you're standing
in the condom aisle, young man? Maybe that's standard
practice in the city, but we country folk just use signs to let
the customers know where the products are. And it's no way
to speak in front of a lady."
    The man's jaw dropped. "But she-"
    "No buts. I don't want to be at home recovering from surgery worrying about you and what kind of example you're
setting around here. Shame on you, Walt!"
    Georgie's eyebrows shot up. Walt?
    Uh-oh. Did she hear Al correctly? She studied NiceSmelling Condom Man's face again with the intensity of an
electron microscope, then wanted to smack herself upside
the head for not noticing the resemblance sooner. Oh, my
gosh. It was Walt Somers. Curse her poor recall ability. Hopefully, he had a bad memory too, and if she made her getaway
now, he wouldn't remember what she looked like later on. Turning on her heel, she stepped in the direction of the pharmacy department.

    Al grabbed her by the arm and swung her back around.
"Not so fast, Georgie."
    She cringed, and Walt dropped his cell phone again. Being the snake that he was, he'd probably make her pay for
a new one.
    "Georgie?" Walt sputtered.
    Walt knew who she was now. Great. She was trapped. Not
that she didn't consider making a run for it anyway. But
escape was futile. It was less up time.
    "Oh, uh, hi, Walt." Her hand felt clumsy as she lifted it in
a small wave. "I guess ... long time no see?"


Walt didn't verbally respond to her greeting. He'd have
to close his mouth first, and she didn't see any signs of him
doing that in this millennia.
    "Georgie," Al said, breaking the awkward silence. "Did you
honestly think Walt was stealing? Whatever gave you that
crazy idea?"
    "Uh, well, that's the thing. I didn't know it was Walt. I
mean, I do now. You see, he was loitering around ... and,
well, Randall didn't notice ... then Dee thought
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