Gentlewoman: Etiquette for a Lady, From a Gentleman

Gentlewoman: Etiquette for a Lady, From a Gentleman Read Online Free PDF

Book: Gentlewoman: Etiquette for a Lady, From a Gentleman Read Online Free PDF
Author: Enitan O. Bereola
you’re giving. The world operates on the basis of giving. You get what you give. Selflessness doesn’t sound so bad after all, does it? What costs you the least usually produces the greatest benefit. A small compliment can save a life. A short prayer can save a soul. Random acts of kindness are tragically uncommon. Buying someone a drink should come without expectations.
    “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” –Scott Adams
    Let’s have some fun. I challenge you to pay it forward. Do something greater than you for someone other than you. It’s not everyone’s job to stay out of your way; it’s your job to react in love. It took me three years to deliver this book to you. The least you can do is pay for the complicated latte of the next person in line at Starbucks. Extra whip, please!
    “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” -1 Peter 4:8
    Rule n ° 5 Chivalry is for Ladies, too : Chivalry is a term often debated and sometimes hated with a meaning no one seems to agree upon. Historically, chivalry originated between the 11 th and 15 th centuries as a knight’s moral code to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves (children, elders and widows). The definition has since dropped its original intent and simply means the respect and honor of women. However, there are some women who view chivalry as an insult. When looking at its original definition coupled with its current meaning, it might seem that chivalry is indeed suggesting women are helpless and dependent on men. And that’s where the problem lies. Chivalry was originally intended for babies, kids, old people and women whose husbands had died. During this period, most husbands were the sole providers for their families and if they perished, assistance was needed. People are mixing one part of the old definition with another part of the current one. We know women are capable of the same life skills as men. Chivalry isn’t about male dominance. In the 21 st century, chivalry should just mean honoring the opposite sex. In relationships, chivalry shows a mutual respect for your partner. In everyday life, chivalry strengthens men and women’s relations. Whether or not you believe in gender roles, they shouldn’t shape social norms around courteous behaviors. Holding open doors today is more about courtesy and less about helping the defenseless. Courteous behavior isn’t limited to men. Chivalry is for Ladies, too.
    Here are eight easy ways a Lady can be chivalrous:
Massages after a long day is chivalrous.
After we open your car door and let you in, lean over and push the driver’s side door open. It’s a literal thank you, a reciprocating gesture that shows equal respect. That’s good chivalry.
If you’re on the driver’s side and we pump your gas, wait until we walk around to the passenger’s side of the car before you start the engine, so exhaust fumes don’t get all over us. That’s chivalrous.
When it’s cold, and we offer you our jacket, offer us your scarf or a hug to keep us warm. Very chivalrous.
Calling to see if you can pick up anything to eat on the way home after we’ve had a long day is a display of chivalry.
If he’s been a great partner in the relationship, take him out on a date and attempt to pay. That’s chivalrous.
Offering to do the dishes after we’ve cooked is a sign of chivalry.
If a stranger is struggling for the door, prop it open. Man or woman. Get the point?
    Chivalry isn’t for applause, but when someone displays an honorable gesture toward another, a signal of appreciation is warranted. Though it’s not required, a simple “thank you” is common practice. If you believe the golden rule is to treat others better than you want to be treated, you can take it a step further by reciprocating
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