Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 7: March 2014
sleep for at least a few more of your Earth hours, and then she will have no memory of me. I will not harm her. I understand she was merely protecting you.” I paused, suddenly, unsure of my own future. My bravado left me once more and my fear returned. This being had already disintegrated a platoon of Jerries. I picked up a pointy stick from the stack of firewood and fiddled with it nonchalantly. At least I had a weapon of sorts. It must have read my mind, or at least interpreted my worried expression. “Do not fear,” it said. “I shall not kill you either. You showed mercy and did not execute me when she attacked me.” It motioned at my love.
    I let out a huge sigh of relief.
    “So what’s this all about,” I said. “Whose side are you on?”
    “Side? We have no interest in your petty fighting. Kill each other all you like.”
    “Then why are you here?”
    It paused, tilted its head, and remained unmoving for close to a minute. It seemed deep in thought, al t hough it may have simply fallen asleep. Just as I was about to prod it with the pointy stick, the alien started speaking again.
    “I’m not sure how much I should share with you. But I suppose it ultimately doesn’t matter.” It paused. I half expected an orchestra to strike ominous chords. “I’m an advance scout. Your world has much to offer. I’ve been here for three of your Earth months and I am about to return to my home planet. I came to conduct a survey.”
    “Much to offer?”
    “Resources,” it said. “My people will return with me. This is a fabulously wealthy planet.”
    “Tourists?” I said. “You’re a travel agent and you’re going to bring tourists to a war? That’s not too wise.”
    “Are you really so stupid?” It sneered. “I’m talking about an invasion. We will invade your planet and take all we require. I shall depart soon, and it will be many of your years before we return. I have travelled a great distance.”
    “But why?” I asked. “Why can’t you just leave us here in peace to finish our war?”
    “Eh, it’s what we do.” It shrugged. “Now, come with me.” The alien turned to go. I followed it out to the fire, now mere glowing embers. I dropped the stick on the coals, where it flared and started burning.
    “Now kneel,” it commanded.
    This was not what I’d expected. I fell to my knees on the uneven dirt floor, naked and vulnerable, and started crying. “Please don’t,” I begged. “It will be our little secret. I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”
    “I must,” said the alien, and pressed the silver tube against my forehead for the second time that night.
    I wailed, I screamed, I soiled myself once more. There was a bright flash and I knew no more.
    Literally, I knew no more. The alien had not planned to kill me. I had simply misunderstood its intentions at that point. The device had clearly altered my memories so I would not recall any of these events.
    The next morning I awoke in the arms of my love and we both recalled her overpowering a German unit and saving me, although we were unable to account for the missing soldiers. We took all the supplies we could manage and left the barn. A few hours later, we happened upon a patrol searching for me. I must say she fit in well with the other fellows, and later that week became the battalion’s boxing champion when she knocked out several of my comrades who were drunk enough to make advances towards her.
    In the following weeks my girl slept well. I, on the other hand, suffered night after night. My sleep was filled with nightmares, cold sweats and screaming out my beloved’s name. She usually slapped me until I awoke.
    The battalion appeared to be in a stalemate with the Germans and had been ordered to stay put. Apart from a few insults thrown at each other across ‘no man’s land’, there was little military action. None of us knew when we would face battle again. Ahhh, the nervous anticipation, the spirited singsongs, the many trips to the
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