are your children! Your husband is here as well. Please, believe me!”
“No,” the woman said plainly and turned back to her piano.
“Fine,” Ellie turned to the guests looking her way. “I will make the madam release you from her spell.”
Ellie took one step, tears dry and gone from her eyes, but halted when her father came out from the crowd and pointed a finger at her. “Do not disturb the madam.”
“She is keeping you all prisoner here,” Ellie pleaded with them. “You have families out there, but stay here because of that witch!”
She knew she shouldn’t have said that. The music stopped immediately and silence reigned as the guests stopped drinking, laughing and chatting to stare at the strange ugly little girl that was against their madam. Her father was the first one to place his glass on the waiting tray of a waiter and clench his fists.
With another shaky breath of white and the feel of frost crawling up her arms, Ellie bolted from the room toward the staircase. She heard a few guests racing after her, snarling and shouting for her to stay away from the first floor. So naturally, she went right up to it.
She almost tripped when she spotted her brother atop the stairs. He looked at her with that dark gleam in his strange eyes, it made her want to run in the opposite direction. “Ayden, you have to listen to me!”
“Stay away from here,” was all he said.
Ayden hated looking at that girl.
What was her name again?
She was too frail and too dirty to be inside the home of the madam. But he stayed where he was so that the girl couldn’t disturb Madam Nix.
Where is the madam though?
He only knew that she wanted her privacy.
Why didn’t she want to see me?
He certainly wanted to see her.
“Ayden!” the girl was grabbed by a man that looked familiar. “You are under a spell!”
The man took her away, down a narrow hallway with her struggles and screams echoing through the room and up the staircase. Something inside of Ayden wanted to call out to the girl…
What was her name? A part of him wanted to be with her.
As the idea crossed his mind a blink of his left eye made pain rush up and push his thoughts aside, replacing them with the feeling of numbing cold. Ayden stumbled backwards and fell against a wooden door with a glass doorknob in the shape of a heart.
Frowning, the young boy turned to the door and pressed an ear against the cold wood. Someone was saying his name, calling for him.
Could it be the madam?
His heart started racing as he fumbled at the doorknob and managed to pull the door open. Stepping inside, Ayden forgot about the ugly girl, the party and the man with his eyes. He forgot about everything as the door slammed shut and light burst forth to reveal a grand hall.
Ayden was amazed at the cool silver of the walls, white painted flowers adorning their lengths right up to the ceiling that held several grand chandeliers dripping in diamonds. He walked down the length of the room, floor to ceiling windows on either side of him revealing the evening outside where there were black clouds and silver moonlight.
The polished marble floor, as onyx as the evening sky and dotted in golden stars, reflected the moonlight spilling in through the open windows, drowning Ayden with silver. When he finally tore his gaze away from the hall, he spotted a high backed throne atop a stage. It was made entirely out of ice.
The beauty of the throne, and the radiating blue of its clear glass surface, wasn’t what made Ayden stop and stare with a chill crawling up his spine. No, it was the sight of the woman sitting on the throne. Face hidden behind a black veil attached to a top hat. The woman stood gracefully from the throne and allowed hair of the whitest snow to fall down in ruffled curls to her slim waist.
She wore a slim fitting black suit, buttoned up to her breasts and opened to reveal a beautiful pale neck. Ayden became nervous and almost shy to look further upon Madam