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Book: Found Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shelley Shepard Gray
right back at him. Bracing herself for another tirade to spew from his lips. Especially now that they were alone, there would be nothing stopping him from lashing out at her.
    But instead of his usual anger, he looked uncomfortable. Finally, he said, “So it looks like you got dairy duty today.”
    It sounded almost like an olive branch. Anxious for things to be smoothed out, she nodded. “Indeed, I do.”
    He pointed to her apron. “You got some bleach on your apron.”
    â€œI know.” To cover her embarrassment, she shrugged like the spot didn’t matter. “It’s ruined, for sure.”
    â€œThat’s too bad.”
    â€œYes, but it’s nothing to worry over. I can make a new apron easily, and I’ll make a quilt with the scraps from this one.”
    The topic of her apron now discussed to death, he stepped back. “I’ll be over at the counter. It usually gets pretty busy around noon or so.” He cleared his throat. “If it does . . . I might need your help.”
    â€œAll right.” Well, at least he wasn’t yelling at her. There was that, at least.
    Deborah turned back to her chore, feeling strangely at a loss for words. She didn’t want to work with him like this, with all this tension. But what else could she do?
    â€œHey. Uh, Deborah?”
    â€œYes?” she said to the dairy case. No way was she going to face him again.
    â€œMy daed says I should apologize. He said that I’ve been rude to you.”
    The words were stilted and choppy. And in Deborah’s opinion, it was a pretty sorry apology. Surely even a child could speak from his heart!
    She knew she should accept it gracefully and move on. But she was tired of his rudeness. And so tired of pretending her feelings didn’t matter. “And what do you think? Do you want to apologize?”
    â€œI think that he might be right.”
    She couldn’t help it, she slowly turned to face him again. “You do?”
    He bit his bottom lip, then spoke. “I do.” Exhaling, he said, “I am sorry for taking out my anger toward Perry on you. He and I had some rough times, as I’m sure you know. And, well, every time I think about how you’re his sister, how the two of you are related, it makes me want to take my frustrations out on you.”
    â€œI was his sister, not his master, Jacob. I had no control over what he did, or if he hurt your feelings.”
    â€œI realize that. Now. It wasn’t right. I know that.”
    She ached to remind Jacob that she’d felt betrayed, too; and she was grieving. That she, too, was feeling confused and hurt and scared. After all, she had lost a brother. And more than that, he hadn’t died of natural causes. Someone had murdered him.
    And that even though Perry had made mistakes, and had hurt a great many people, he’d had no chance to repent or ask forgiveness. Someone had taken that opportunity from him.
    But even telling Jacob what was on her mind wouldn’t make anything better. It wouldn’t make the hurt go away, or ease her loss.
    â€œThank you for the apology,” she said woodenly. “I appreciate it.”
    â€œDo you think you’ll be able to forgive me?”
    His eyes were wide and honest. And against everything warring inside her, she felt herself melt. No good would come from holding on to her anger.
    â€œOf course I forgive you,” she said.
    His shoulders relaxed and his lips curved slightly. “I’m grateful. Thank you, Deborah.” He bit his lip. “Maybe we could start over, the two of us?”
    How could they do that? She’d known him all her life, but she’d never honestly considered them close. Their relationship had been more of an extension of his friendship with Perry. Could years of stilted conversations ever change into something else?
    Surely she could try.
    â€œI’d like for us to be friends,” she said at last.
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