
Found Read Online Free PDF

Book: Found Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shelley Shepard Gray
began to pray.
    Only after her knees had gone numb and she climbed in bed did she even think about what she would do if God didn’t give her prayers some answers.
    Being alone all over again was going to be a very terrible place to be.

Chapter 4
    â€œI never understood why Perry got second and third and fourth chances, but I never did.”
    S o good to see ya today, Deborah!” Mr. Schrock said when he walked toward the front of the store. “The missus says you’ve settled right in like a duck to water.”
    When Deborah arrived for her second day on the job, Mrs. Schrock had given her the task of cleaning out the dairy cases. That meant everything needed to be taken out, the cases carefully cleaned with watered-down bleach, all products carefully examined for expiration dates, then put back.
    It was not an easy job.
    And despite Mr. Schrock’s encouraging words, Deborah was afraid she had not taken to it that easily. First she’d forgotten to put on gloves, making the paper cut on her hand sting when it had come in contact with the bleach.
    Then, of course, she’d splashed some of the solution all over her dress. Now there was a great white stain smack in the middle of her black apron.
    Added to that, she had six more hours to go. It was anyone’s guess what trouble she’d get into next.
    But of course that didn’t mean she should share any of that with Mr. Schrock. “ Danke. I’m happy to be here.”
    He stepped closer, peering over her shoulder. “How’s the cleaning going?”
    â€œIt is fine. I should finish by two or three.” With God’s help.
    â€œ Gut! Mind the bleach now, it can be a tricky thing to clean with.”
    Yes, she had certainly found that out. “I will, danke .”
    Clasping his hands together, he smiled. “All righty. Mrs. Schrock and I are going to pay a visit to the Millers for bit, but Jacob will be here to keep you company.”
    And . . . that meant her “great” day was now complete. “I’ll look for him, then,” she said. “I’m sure I’ll be just fine.” His lips pursed, making Deborah stand up straight. It looked like he had something he wanted to say. When he paused, she thought she’d nudge him along, “Yes, Mr. Schrock?”
    â€œI . . . I, uh, I wanted to tell ya . . .”
    â€œMind the kittens, wouldja? Take them out and cuddle them once an hour or so. All God’s creatures need some love and affection every now and then.”
    Glancing to the corner of the store, to where a pair of kittens lay contentedly curled up next to each other in a pen, she smiled. “I will enjoy that job.”
    He laughed. “See? Some folks don’t think I should sell animals here, but it’s a gut thing. Everyone needs something to love, and pets love you back. Even when you don’t always deserve it, you know?”
    Forcing herself to ignore the sharp pang of sadness that his words brought her—because she absolutely did not have anyone to love—Deborah chuckled about the kittens as she got back to work.
    Behind her, she heard Mr. Schrock’s booming voice chatting with his wife. Then she heard the door open and shut.
    Then, almost stealthily, new footsteps approached.
    Vigilantly, she kept her back to the noise. It had to be Jacob, and the longer she delayed seeing him, the better. She picked up a dry rag and began wiping down the excess water from the glass shelf. The footsteps came closer.
    Her shoulders bunched up. Almost as if she expected a blow.
    But then the footsteps stopped. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as total awareness fell over her.
    She had no choice but to turn around . . . and see that her hunch was correct. Jacob Schrock was behind her, his gaze solemn and piercing. “Jacob. Good day.”
    He nodded silently.
    For a moment, she boldly stared
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