Forever Yours (#2)

Forever Yours (#2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Forever Yours (#2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Deila Longford
Tags: Suspense, Maine, Lust, Twilight, Vampires, Brothers, love, portland, desire, passion, blood
in his eyes. I can
feel the burning tension between the brothers and I can’t say that
I feel completely at ease with it. I have mixed feelings about
Nicholas, I don’t like that he turned Dalton into a vampire, but at
the same time, I thank him for doing it. If Dalton wasn’t a
vampire, then he wouldn’t be here, he would have lived and died in
another time and I would never met him. As hard as it for me to
hate Nicholas, I cant.
    “What is there to talk about?” Nicholas says in a dark voice.
Dalton edges closer to me, protecting me from his brother’s
    “Do you know a girl named, Rachel?” Dalton asks as he sits
next to me. Nicholas watches him closely as he places his hand onto
my thigh. I flinch as Dalton’s fingers are now cool, and the not
the warm from earlier. I try to put the iciness out of my mind as I
glare at Nicholas for his answer. He runs his fingers through his
sandy blonde hair, thinking and smiling at himself. He is so
arrogant and selfish. I feel disgusted by him, he is so manly and
muscular and when I think of him with Rachel, my stomach turns. He
is far too experienced and mature to be with her, she is just a kid
and he is a mature man who has had plenty life experience. I can’t
allow him to hurt her; I won’t let him ruin her
    “I believe that I do, but what’s it to you?” Nicholas snarls.
Dalton presses his lips together and then he fights for my cousin’s
    “The girl is Rose’s cousin; I would appreciate it if you would
leave her alone.” Nicholas laughs at Dalton’s plea and now my blood
is boiling –it’s my turn to give him a piece of my mind.
    “I know that you don’t care about her, so just find another
toy to play with, okay?”
    “Dalton, I don’t like the humans tone, sort her out.” Dalton
hisses and then he springs to his feet, locking his eyes on
Nicholas. I feel scared by his actions and I can hardly breathe
through my fear. I want out of this house, away from Nicholas. I
stand and I grab a fistful of Dalton’s shirt, he turns to face me
–his eyes burning a deep shade of red. I am startled by his
appearance, so I gently back away from him as he groans. Nicholas
laughs and then he leaps up from the sofa, locking his eyes on
mine. He wanders over in my direction and Dalton protectively
stands in front of me, shielding me from Nicholas. “You’re very
protective of the human; don’t tell me you have been stupid enough
as to fall for her?”
    “I haven’t fallen for her, but I’m not going to let you hurt
her.” Dalton snaps. Nicholas bursts out laughing and then he moves
closer to us.
    “You know that love is a vampire’s greatest weakness, yet you
have given into it anyway. Tell me Dalton, are you going to turn
her?” My heart is pounding through my sweater and I need to get out
of here. I can’t stand another minute of Nicholas and his
interrogation. He makes my skin crawl and I am terrified to be in
the same room as him. I grab Dalton’s arm as I plead with him to
    “Let’s go,” I say in a shaken voice. Dalton turns to face me,
his eyes are burning and his lips are white as snow. He manoeuvres
himself to the back of me and he slides his hand onto my waist. I
let out a smile as I feel safe in his arms, but my smile fades,
when Nicholas flies over to me and rips my scarf away from my neck.
He stares at my wounds and then he starts to laugh, Dalton lunges
forward and he pushes him away. The force is strong and Nicholas is
soaring through the air, at tremendous pace. Nicholas is still
laughing and Dalton spins me around and leads me to the door. When
we reach the door, Nicholas stomps down in front of us, smiling
with his eyes burning.
    “At least you had the sense to feed on her,” he snarls. Dalton
pushes past him, with me at his side. He drags me along the hallway
and out the front door. He rushes me into his car and he jumps into
the driver’s seat, revving the engine as loud as it will go.
Nicholas bursts
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