Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3)

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Book: Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather Allen
on some tunes. I sink back into the seat and try to lose myself in the music. But my demons rise up and the face that haunts my dreams and waking moments comes into focus. I definitely need a distraction. Coming back didn’t do the job I’d hoped for.
    Chapter 7
    It took my pleading with Jack and blaming him again to get him to stop from going after Alex. Who could blame him? I was in Alex’s arms when he walked up. I would be furious too if it were Sara in his arms. UGH, just the thought of that makes my skin crawl. I finally convinced him to stop with the trump card, guilt. I tried to appeal in every other way, but in the end it was the guilt that got him. Why is this so big with him? I’m the guilty one here. I left him to confront my brother and ended up being comforted by Alex. I look up at him and wonder if this is the basis of our relationship. Can we survive without the guilt? Are we both at each other’s mercy because we’ve caused so much pain to one another?
    I reach up and ruffle his hair. He lowers his mouth to mine and just like that my momentary doubts have flitted away.
    I hear Alex clear his throat. Shit, I forgot for a second that he was here. And enter the guilt once again…  I look up and see the hurt in his eyes. I quickly avert my stare. This is not my job. I am his friend, nothing more. He needs to find someone else to comfort him.
    “Jack, as I told Ever, I am here to warn you. I will give you all the information I know then I need to leave.”
    Jack looks down at me and puts his arm possessively around my shoulders. Men are so dumb. I let him bask in his possession of me, why not? I seriously doubt Alex will look at me as an object of desire again. This saddens me briefly but also brings a spark of relief. Maybe he will finally get it, I am with Jack and it is forever.
    Alex leans against his truck as he explains that the other Lior have joined forces and are planning an attack on our city.
    I ask, “But if other Erebus are trying to take down other cities, why are they only attacking us?”
    He explains looking only at me, “Remember I explained that the other cities were afrai Fl="p wd of Seamus and they all looked to our city for guidance?”
    I nod.
    “Well, they are afraid Jaspen will rise up and takes Seamus’ place. This is a fear among all the cities, in fact probably the only thing they are agreeing on these days.”
    Jack asks, “Will you come back to the city with us to tell Jaspen all that you know?”
    Alex shakes his head sadly, “Jack, you know I can’t. You, of all people know how this thing works. Once upon a time you and I stood for the same thing.”
    Jack nods slowly, “You’re right, I can’t ask you to do that.”
    He looks over at me and continues, “Sometimes we find things we don’t even know we need and they become more important than anything else.” His eyes bore into me as his words hang in the air and any doubt I had about us, dissipates. I have to hold every fiber of my being back from pouncing on him.
    He looks back to Alex.
    “So I do understand but I also hope that you find what you’re looking for.”
    I smirk inwardly, knowing the double meaning in Jack’s statement.
    They shake hands and I watch as Alex climbs into his truck, starts the engine, and drives away. A little piece of me is sad to watch him go. A larger part of me is ecstatic that he is safe.
    As soon as Alex was out of sight I took advantage and did the pouncing thing. Memories of our time together at the lake come flooding back. A time when things were still so new and unbeknownst to me back then, simpler.
    I break away from him and tease for old time’s sake, “How about best out of three?” I run to the lake, stripping down to my bathing suit as I go. His footsteps echo behind me. I smile and bask in the moment. Things are about to get real complicated. I’m determined to keep us uncomplicated.
    We swim for an hour
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