Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3)

Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather Allen
down and grabs my hand in his.
    “Ever, this is why you should come with me. When they get to the city, it will be destroyed and anyone against them will be destroyed as well.”
    I shake my head fervently, “No, I can’t… I have to warn them.”
    I get up and start to open the door to the jeep but then turn back toward him, “When you said you came to warn us… Where exactly did you go Alex… when you left?”
    He squirms a little, “I went to the city near, Peru, where they’re planning an… attack.
    I turn back to him and slap him across his cheek. I didn’t exactly mean to, yet I did. He doesn’t even look surprised.
    I yell, “How could you? Why would you go against us?”
    He gathers me in his arms again and I let him, my energy is gone suddenly.
    Then I hear the voice I live for and know the trouble is just starting again. My heart stops as I turn and see him walking toward us.
    Chapter 6
    I watch as Ever goes through every shade of emotion there is as Alex explains about the other Mer- clans.  This is a large part of why I have no desire to go back. The destruction I witnessed so recently was enough to last me a lifetime.
    She totally loses it when he tells her where he’s been. I about lost it too when he told me last week. I still don’t get why Alex has gone off and joined the next clan of Lior over, but maybe I’ll never understand.
    When she slapped him I was a bit shocked. She’s been known to overreact but shies away from confrontation, usually.
    “Why don’t you get your hands off of her?” I turn and find Jack standing a distance away.
    He looks pissed. I turn back toward Ever and Alex and realize he’s hugging her. She quickly pushes away from him and a look of horror passes over her face. She immediately runs to Jack as he walks toward us. He doesn’t give her a glance. I know there’s a fight about to go down. I almost want to let it happen. Both these dudes deserve an ass beating, as far as I’m concerned, just for getting involved with my sister. But of course I do the right thing, like always, of late. Maybe I’ll change my tune in the near future.
    I walk so that I am angled between them. Jack is still walking toward us and Alex looks tense like he’s ready for a throw down.
    Jack stops in front of me and says under his breath still glaring at Alex, “James, you should go.”
    All the while, Ever is grasping his arm pleading with him to stop.
    I shake my head, “Jack, you know I can’t do that. What will this solve?”
    He finally averts his eyes and looks at me, “Nothing except to keep his grubby hands off my girl.”
    He looks over to Ever, “You need to go home.”
    She frowns and completely loses it.
    “Jack, look at me, really look at me. I am not going anywhere without you. You are overreacting. Don’t you realize that you have me fully and none of this macho bullshit is going to solve anything?”
    He looks at Alex and back to Ever but stays silent.
    Ever rants louder this time, “What are you going to do, beat his ass, then what? You lied to me. All of this is your fault anyway. If you would have just told me he was alive, we wouldn’t even be here.”
    This seems to stop him and gets his attention. He looks suddenly like he’s in pain. His face goes soft and he gathers her in his arms and whispers something to her.
    This, I don’t need to see. I walk away. Obviously, there won’t be a fight now. I turn and clap Alex on the shoulder. He nods at me, “Thanks dude, I didn’t want to have to beat his ass.”
    I smirk. It would have been a pretty fair fight, might have been interesting to see who came out on top.
    I mumble, “Yotilu might want to be the one to explain everything to Jack. She will probably lose it in the process.”
    He agrees and looks over, wincing.
    I don’t even want to know. I walk around and climb into the jeep to turn
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