Forever and Always

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Book: Forever and Always Read Online Free PDF
Author: Beverley Hollowed
a big grin as she pulled into her parking spot. “I have a surprise for you”
    “My editor is going to travel around Europe for 4 months” Maggie said turning to Melanie, her excitement almost tangible. “He has a beach house on Cape Cod and he said we could use it if we wanted it”.
    “Wow” Melanie replied feeding off Maggie’s excitement.
    “So we are heading up there in the morning” Maggie said. “And we can spend the next three months working on our tans and chasing boys. Well you can chase boys; I am looking for a man”.
    Melanie burst out laughing. It was the first time she had laughed properly in over 2 weeks. She loved Maggie so much. She always knew how to make her smile.
    “Don’t you need to work?” Melanie asked when the thought crossed her mind.
    “I can bring my laptop with me” Maggie explained. “That’s the beauty of being a writer, you can write anywhere”.
    That evening, after she had called her Mom to let her know she had arrived safely, they ordered a pizza and curled up on the sofa to watch a movie. However Melanie only saw the first twenty minutes or so before she fell asleep curled up on the end of the sofa. She vaguely remembered climbing into bed when Maggie woke her at the end of the movie.
    The sun filled her room with a bright warm haze when she blinked her eyes open the next morning. For a moment she felt a little dazed and confused by her surroundings until she remembered  where she was. She picked up her phone off her nightstand to check the time. It was just after eight. There were 2 missed calls from her Dad and a text message. She hit the open button.
    “Hope u r ok, love u, call me”
    Melanie sighed and pressed reply on the phone. She skimmed over the key pad trying to think if what to say. But her mind was blank. She just didn’t know what to say. He was her Dad but suddenly they were like strangers. How had this happened?
    She hit the button to close her messages and threw her phone back onto the night stand. Stumbling out of bed she made her way to the kitchen where she found Maggie drinking a coffee and eating a doughnut, staring intently at her laptop.
    “Morning Mel” she said quickly closing her laptop when she spotted Melanie walking into the kitchen. Mel knew straight away Maggie must have been online chatting to either her Mom or her Dad. She frowned at the idea of them all whispering behind her back. “How did you sleep?”
    “Fine” Melanie replied a little too clipped, and she mentally scolded herself. She slid into a seat across from Maggie. “I can’t believe you eat doughnuts for breakfast”.
    “Oh I don’t normally” Maggie laughed. “Just thought in honour of your first morning here, I would get something very naughty and fattening”.
    After Melanie ate two doughnuts and washed it down with a glass of milk, she hated coffee and tea, she headed back to her room to get dressed. First she jumped into the shower and washed quickly. After she showered, she opened her suit case to take out some clean clothes. She settled on a pair of faded jean shorts and a powder pink plain t-shirt and matching dolly shoes. She brushed the knots out of her long chocolate coloured hair and quickly plated it into a French braid. As she rummaged through her suitcase for her light cotton cardigan she found an envelope hidden in the side of her case.
    When she pulled it out, she recognised the handwriting immediately. It was from her Dad. Slowly she peeled open the envelope and she pulled out the letter. Melanie felt her stomach knot. Slowly she unfolded the piece of paper and began to read,
    My dearest Melanie
    I am so sorry for what has happened between us and for everything I have done. Please don’t hate me. I can’t bare that I have hurt you so much and you won’t talk to me.
    You were NOT a mistake!!! I have loved you since the moment I saw you, even before. You are the biggest achievement of my life. I couldn’t be prouder of you.
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