Forever and Almost Always

Forever and Almost Always Read Online Free PDF

Book: Forever and Almost Always Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amanda Bennett
    "Wilton says we're having a party tomorrow night, but I'm not quite sure how long I'll wanna hang out. Maybe we should just hang at your house. I'll call you after work."
    "Alright, talk to you then."
    "See ya."
    I finished my newly open bottle and turned to throw it away, when I noticed her back porch light go on. I knew she lived with her mom, so I wasn't sure if it was her or her mom, but I was determined to find out. I slipped out the back door unnoticed, and then made my way quietly over to the wall that separated our houses. When I got closer, I heard the faint sound of music playing through a boom box, and assumed it was Charlee. She was diving into her pool, just as I glanced over the wall. The moonlight hit her tan toned skin and I almost lost it. What was it about this girl that had me questioning all logic and reason?
    I only stayed out back for a few more minutes, long enough to watch her swim a few laps and then I made my way back inside. There was obviously a reason she didn't want to come back over. I finished my cigarette and made my way to my bedroom. No one even noticed me as I walked through the living room, and that pleased me. I wasn't really in the mood to deal with the people that Wilton had invited over. I closed my door, stripped down to my boxers, and climbed in bed. I wasn't looking forward to work tomorrow and six in the morning came far too soon. Within seconds I was drifting off to sleep with visions of Charlee bouncing around in my head.
    I woke up suddenly around three in the morning, gasping for air. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but I was worried enough to get up and try to catch my breath. I made my way through the pitch-black house and into the kitchen, when the shadow passing through the adjacent kitchen window caught my eye. I quickly downed the small glass of water I had grabbed and made my way out back.
    “Mother fuck-“ I caught myself from finishing that sentence as I attempted to make my way over to the back wall with bare feet. The rocks hurt like a bitch, but I was willing to deal with the pain, if it meant I would catch a glimpse of her. I made my way around the side of the house where the garbage cans sat, and I glanced over at the half open window in front of me. There she stood, in a small black, spaghetti strap nightie. Her hair glistening under the small rays of light illuminating the kitchen. She looked as though she had just gotten out of the shower or something along those lines, but honestly who takes a shower at three in the morning?
    She was even more beautiful than I had remembered. At three in the morning this girl looked like a goddess. I watched her every move as she finished her glass of water. Seconds later, she glanced over in the direction of my house. Her piercing blue eyes twinkled as a forlorn look crossed over her face. I didn’t know this girl well enough to know what she was thinking, but if she was anything like me, it was me she was thinking of.
    She turned and started walking away, and I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding. This girl literally did things to me that I had never felt before. The only serious girlfriend I ever had, I had thought was love, but given how I was feeling about Charlee, I think it was pretty safe to say that it was never love with my ex. I never looked at her as though nobody else existed in this world, but with Charlee. Well Charlee, was a whole other feeling all in itself. I wasn’t quite sure how to explain it, but the word love was definitely being tossed around in my head.
    When her house went dark, I took that as my cue to head back inside. As I made my way back to the house, I glanced down and was grateful that everybody was asleep, or couldn’t see me at least. I was only in my boxer briefs and nothing else. Now I totally looked the part of a perverted stalker. I laughed at myself as I slowly walked across the sharp rocks beneath me. I was suddenly wishing I would’ve
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