
Forbidden Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Forbidden Read Online Free PDF
Author: Julia Keaton
Tags: Erótica, Historical, new concepts publishing, julia keaton
back in her chair and tried to ignore the dull sense of
disappointment that filled her heart.

    * * * *

    Damon had a mantra that was constantly
going through his head.
    She was too young, she was too rich,
and she was John’s daughter.
    Those three reasons alone should have
been enough to keep him away from her.
    But they weren’t. At dinner he found
himself being drawn to her just as always. He’d liked how her eyes
had measured him as he’d told his stories, liked the deep, throaty
sound of her laughter and the easy relaxation of her face. He also
liked the way her breasts pushed against the modest bodice of her
high-waisted gown each time she leaned toward him. Her plump little
mouth made him dry mouthed, her voice sent chills down his spine,
and when she looked at him with those cat green eyes he got hard.
Even now the memory of her sent tension thrumming through his body
and he spent a good while wandering the halls trying to ease it. He
was at the door to his room when he heard a gasp from behind him.
Turning, he saw that Jocelyn stood not two feet away, her eyes wide
as she watched him.
    “They…they put you in that
    His eyes darted to where she stood in
front of what he had to assume was her room and he had to smile.
Leaning back against his door, he folded his arms across his chest
and raised an eyebrow at her.
    “Looks like it.”
    “But my room--”
    “Is there a problem? It’s only one
night and tomorrow we’ll be leaving together so it’s best if you
get used to me.”
    He saw her face darken and she lowered
her head so that curls rocked forward to hide her expression from
    “I can stay here you know. I could take
care of the house just fine without--”
    “You’re coming, and I won’t hear
anything else about it.” His voice was hard, harder than he’d
intended to make it, and he paused as Jocelyn’s head jerked up in
surprise. Her face reddened and her eyes flashed.
    “You’re not my father.”
    He suspected that his words had stemmed
more from his desire to keep her than his wish to follow John’s
last request. And he was ashamed of himself for it.
    “No…no, I’m not.”
    The anger in her face didn’t go away so
much as it was replaced by a soft kind of mockery. She ran her gaze
over his body and Damon’s hands clenched as her eyes lingered and
caressed his body. He was sure she didn’t know what she was doing
but the effect was devastating nevertheless. He couldn’t understand
it himself, how much this little girl shook his boundaries and
twisted his mind. When she moved forward and ran her hand down the
muscled length of his arm he almost lost it. He could see himself
grabbing her and slamming her against the length of his door.
Pressing himself between her legs, and running his teeth and tongue
over neck, breasts and thighs until the sound of her voice echoed
in his ears just as seductively as the smell and heat of her
mesmerized his senses.
    “I’m a grown woman, Mr. Burleigh. I’m
no giggling young debutante with no sense in my head. I think I’m
more than capable of handling anything thrown at me.”
    Damon’s head went blank, and he felt
his jaw tightening. He looked down at the girl touching his arm,
and he felt something dark and animalistic rear its head as she
smiled up at him. He hadn’t felt this out of control in a long
time, not since he’d lost everything. Only this wildness didn’t
come from despair and guilt but rather an instinctual urge to grab
and keep a bright, shining bird he’d been searching for for what
seemed like forever.
    He wanted her, and not simply in the
biblical sense.
    Jerking his arm away he turned on his
heel, went into his room and slammed the door behind him. He heard
her squeak in outrage but he ignored her, instead taking deep
steadying breaths as he slid down the door to sit on the cold
    It had finally happened.
    He’d finally lost his mind.

    * * * *

    That night it was hard to fall asleep.
She kept tossing
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