For One Night Only!
room for a moment but I won’t be long. What’s your room number?”
The moment of reckoning had arrived and Mia almost lost her nerve
but she thought of how safe she felt in his company and volunteered
her room number before she did, indeed, lose her nerve. “I’ll be
there in 10 sugar. Count on it!” Kade told Mia as he rose from the
herself into her room, Mia's heart was beating so hard she thought
it might literally come right out of her chest.  What had she
out her room number to random strangers was not something she would
normally do but somehow she'd felt safe around Mr Tall, dark &
delectable.  And safe was not something Mia was used to
feeling.  Yet when he looked at her she felt like he was
someone she could trust not to hurt her.  Shaking herself out
of her momentary panic, she raced into the bathroom to freshen up
before her nameless visitor arrived at her door.
brushed her raven tresses until they gleamed, rolled some lip
gloss on and went to the dresser to find something decadent to
wear.  As Mia pulled the strap of her lace bra over her
shoulder a knock at her door told her time was up.  Pulling a
sheer negligee on she went to answer the door.
    When Mia
opened the door Kade almost swallowed his tongue.  He had
never seen a more beautiful woman.  And he had to have her.
 He shoved away from the wall and stepped inside the room.
 Closing the door behind him, Kade stalked forward and grabbed
Mia up for a kiss that could have melted tar.
    “ I wondered if you would chicken out while I was gone,” Kade
murmured. Truthfully Mia replied, “I almost did but then I realised
just how much I want this, want you.” “I’ll make you feel so good
sugar that you won’t regret it.” Kade reached out to cup the back
of her neck in his palm as he laid his lips on hers. Licking his
tongue over her lips he slid his hand down Mia’s back to mould the
soft, plump swell of her ass. Mia parted her lips and allowed his
tongue in to taste and explore. As the kiss deepened Kane palmed
her breasts plucking at her nipples as they beaded beneath his
hand. He leaned down to replace his hands with teeth and tongue,
licking and sucking first one then the other through the thin
material of the negligee. Mia reached out to rub her hand over the
hard ridge of Kade’s erection straining at the zip of his jeans. He
groaned as she rubbed her hand up and down, teasing him through the
walked her backwards toward the bed, his fingers working to get the
negligee off.  "Gorgeous," he muttered against her mouth.
 "I have to have you ... now."  You're wearing too much
clothing," Mia answered.  Kade backed up a step and began to
rip his clothes off, in a hurry to get back to Mia's delectable
body.  Mia watched as first Kade's shoes and socks came off;
and then his shirt.  Damn but the man was built and Mia itched
to get her hands on that glorious body.  Her breath hitched
and caught as Kade's fingers went to unbutton his fly.  He
popped the button open and pushed hurriedly at his jeans and boxer
brief.  As his erection sprang free Mia licked her lip, her
eyes going wide; wondering how she would fit him all in.  He
was a big man, with a cock to match. “Oh it’ll fit sugar. Trust
me.” Mia looked up at Kade, wondering how he’d know that’s what she
was thinking.
naked, Kade reached for Mia. Gently, he guided her down on to the
bed and sank to his knees. Running his hands up the inside of her
thighs Kade hoarsely said “Open for me sugar.” Mia did as he asked
and he reached out to run his finger down her slick folds. “So
beautiful,” Kade murmured. He ran his finger over her clit and Mia
arched up off the bed; already wildly aroused. She moaned softly as
Kade continued to rub her clit. He replaced his finger with his
tongue and gently nibbled, driving Mia even higher. She felt
herself wind ever tighter but when he slowly slid first one finger
and then
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