For One Night Only!
entertainment that would keep him occupied for the
next few hours? Smiling, Kade picked up his drink and made his way
toward the beauty at the bar.
    “ Evening sugar. Mind if I join you?” Mia smiled shyly at Kade
and gestured to the chair next to her, “Make yourself at home.”
“So, at the risk of sounding clichéd, what’s a gorgeous lady like
you doing all alone in a hotel bar?” Kade asked Mia. “I was passing
through town on my way to visit family in the next town when my car
broke down,” Mia lied. “How about you?” “Here on business for a few
days,” Kade replied. “Can I buy you a drink?” “Thank you,” she
smiled, “An Apple Martini would be great.” Kade ordered their
drinks and settled back to chat up his new companion. Before he
could utter a word, Mia turned towards him and said, “I’ve got an
unusual request.” “Ok, shoot. Let’s hear it then,” Kade replied. To
his utter delight Mia blushed. “I know this is going to sound
really bizarre but I have always fantasized about meeting a
stranger and just talking without the usual information exchange;
just idle chitchat; and nothing more substantial. Just to be
anonymous for a moment in time. Are you game?” “Well now, that
certainly sounds interesting. I guess I’m game if you
    Kade and Mia sat chatting at the bar until their drinks were
finished. “I know it’s still fairly early in the evening but I was
wondering if you would have dinner with me in the hotel dining
room?” Kade asked. “That would be lovely, thank you.” He slid off
his chair and stood with his hand at Mia’s back to guide her from
her chair and across the room. At the entrance to the dining room
they were greeted by the hostess and they requested a table for two
out of the path of foot traffic. Seated in a quiet corner, Kade and
Mia placed their order and settled in to wait for their meal. Kade
leaned toward Mia and asked, “So tell me something about you that
you wouldn’t normally share with someone who know you.” Again, much
to his delight, Mia blushed and ducked her head. “Come sugar, you
got me intrigued now. What could possibly be so bad that you’re
blushing? Which I find absolutely charming; by the way.” “Promise
you won’t laugh or make fun of me!” “Cross my heart,” Kade grinned.
The waiter chose that moment to arrive with their food and he
almost groaned out loud. She had been about to reveal what was on
her mind. Mia smiled her thanks at the waiter and prepared to tuck
in. Talk about being saved by the bell, so to speak! They ate in
silence for a bit before Kade leaned forward and said, “Well sugar,
what’s on your mind. You have my curiosity piqued.” Mia put her
knife and fork down, gathered her courage in her hands and blurted,
“I was wondering if you wanted to come up to my room after dinner?”
Kade’s jaw dropped. Surely he couldn’t have heard her right. Surely
it couldn’t be that easy. Could it? Yes, he’d hoped that he’d be
able to talk her into coming up to his room this evening but he had
expected to have to work for it. Here was this drop dead gorgeous
woman asking him if he wanted to go up to her room. For a split
second he wondered if this was for real but then he looked over as
her and the blush staining her cheeks told him that not only was
she serious; but she was seriously out of her comfort zone. But not
one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Kade smiled, “Eat up sugar.
You’re going to need the energy.”
    It seemed like an
eternity but finally they were finished with dinner. All that
remained was to sign the bill and head on upstairs. The
anticipation had been building up over the meal. Touches and looks,
innuendoes and subtle suggestions had been bandied back and forth
and now the moment had arrived. The waiter brought the bill to the
table and Kade put his hand out to take it. “My treat,” he smiled.
“Then, again, thank you.” Mia replied. “I just have to head up to
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