For Love or Country: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 2

For Love or Country: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 2 Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: For Love or Country: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 2 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Hudson Taylor
another chamber pot again.”
    Tyra strode from the parlor and across the foyer. Her booted heels announced her arrival at Captain Morgan’s door. She knocked and waited until he bid her permission to enter. Gripping the brass knob, Tyra forced a jovial smile as she peered around the door. Dim light cast a slight glow. The warm hearth had grown cold several hours ago.
    Captain Morgan sat up in bed propped against the carved wooden headboard. His black hair looked as if he had tried to comb it to the side with his fingers. A dark, scruffy beard had formed on his jaw. Guilt ripped through her because she had not offered him a blade to shave. The boundary lines continued to blur as to what was appropriate and what went beyond the Christian care of a man who was her enemy. After all, if he came face to face with her father or one of her brothers, would he not be compelled to try and kill or take them prisoner? A war of indecision wrestled within her pounding heart.
    “How may I help you, Captain?” she asked, forcing herself to meet his intense gaze. Something about him intrigued her curiosity. Under more pleasant circumstances, she had no doubt she would have liked Captain Morgan. He was polite, respectful, and full of intelligent conversation, but his current position and power overwhelmed her with fear for her family. What would he do to them once he was well, now that his superior had taken control of the town?
    “I did not mean to intrude on your conversation, but I could not help overhearing that British forces are marching through Wilmington as we speak and setting up headquarters?” He lifted a dark brown eyebrow, and she could almost feel the excitement he tried to contain. Resentment spiraled inside her.
    “Indeed. It is what my brother has witnessed. He can be a bit animated at times.” Unease trembled through Tyra, but she kept her expression passive. “I imagine you would like to return to them?” She searched her mind for a way to carry him outside to the wagon bed. He wasn’t yet strong enough to ride a horse by himself or walk too far.
    “As much as I would like to own up to my independence, reality screams at me when I stand to bear pressure upon my leg.” He tilted his head and regarded her with a peculiar expression as an easy grin spread across his face, revealing a row of healthy teeth. “Besides, the Army’s physician is not nearly as beautiful as my nurse here.”
    Tyra blinked in disbelief, knowing color rose up to her face like a wave of heat. Already aware of his handsome features, Tyra wasn’t about to encourage him. What was the point when he would soon be leaving and they were opposing enemies? She said nothing as she waited for him to reveal his purpose in calling for her.
    “I would be much obliged if you would have Kirk take a letter for me, so I can inform my superior of my whereabouts and the excellent care you have provided.” He scratched at the whiskers on his chin. “Perhaps they will send out a wagon bed to take me back to headquarters. I would not want to trouble your family any longer than necessary.”
    Concern for her brother’s safety formed in her belly. She had heard stories of young boys being impressed into the British Navy and Army. Somehow, she had to keep Kirk as far away from the British headquarters as possible. “I need to visit the post office and the general store. I shall go myself and deliver your letter.”
    “Alone?” Captain Morgan shifted to sit up, his lips forming a thin line. “Miss MacGregor, I realize I have no right to impose my will on you, but I wish you would not go into town alone.” He shook his head. “’Tis too dangerous.”
    “I fear it might be even more dangerous for my brother. I shall bring you quill, ink, and paper to compose your letter. In the meantime, I will be ready to leave within the hour.” She walked to the door, opened it, and paused. “I should be perfectly safe among your gentlemen officers. ’Tisn’t likely
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