For Love or Country: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 2

For Love or Country: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 2 Read Online Free PDF

Book: For Love or Country: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 2 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Hudson Taylor
glanced up at them with red cheeks from the biting cold outside.
    “Goodness, lad, ye need to calm down afore ye cause yerself the pneumonia in this brisk weather,” Mama said with a severe expression meant to scold him. “At least give yerself time to catch yer breath.”
    “Darren an’ I went to town to buy some feed for his Pa.” Kirk paused to take a few more harried breaths. “Redcoats were marching through town on Front Street, so many of ‘em they took up the whole street, an’ part of Market Street.”
    “Was it really so many?” Tyra set down the newspaper and exchanged a concerned glance with her mother. She touched a finger to her chin. “I wonder if it means they were just passing through on their march or if they have a particular place in mind.”
    “We overheard some men talking an’ they said the major plans to occupy the Burgwin House. He sent a scout ahead and ordered the family to remove themselves,” Kirk said.
    “Are ye sure?” Mama asked, her sewing now discarded on her lap. She searched Kirk’s expression for further clarity.
    “I know what I heard.” Kirk nodded, as he walked over to the fire and rubbed his hands to gain a bit of warmth. “Some of the soldiers are setting up tents around the Episcopal Church and holding meetings there.”
    “But where is our army? Did they not meet any resistance at all?” Tyra stood, folded her arms and paced across the parlor. Her heels clicked against the hardwood floor as she paused in front of the window and stared out at the overcast sky. It had been three weeks since her father and brothers departed. Captain Morgan had survived an infectious fever, but now he was mending and the British Army had arrived, she feared he would turn her family over to his superiors.
    They had enjoyed civil conversations over the last few days. To her surprise, Captain Morgan had even attempted to tease her a couple of times. His recovery was taking longer than she would have preferred, but it couldn’t be helped. It would be another week before she could take out his stitches. Until then, she feared they would have to endure his company a while longer.
    “Well, I suppose Wilmington is now occupied.” Mama resumed her sewing and pricked her finger. “Ouch!” She shook her hand as unshed tears filled her eyes. “I hate to think how long it might be afore we see yer da and brothers again. I daresay, the colonials shan’t come around while the British are here.”
    “I have not thought of it.” Disappointment speared Tyra’s chest. She turned from the window and strode to where her mother sat. Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, she bent forward. “We shall be strong and have faith the war will end soon and they shall come home safely to us.”
    “Indeed.” Mama covered her hand with her own. Over the years, Mama had always been the one to comfort her, but these days she often returned the favor. Having a husband and three sons at war took its toll on her, but the special bond her parents shared between each other had always fascinated Tyra. Their relationship shared a unique love and warmth she had not witnessed among other married couples. Tyra had always dreamed of a marriage like theirs. It was a gift too many lacked.
    “Miss MacGregor!” A familiar voice called from the chamber on the other side of the parlor across the foyer. Tyra lifted her eyes to the ceiling in frustration, letting out an unladylike sigh. “Why does he never call upon the two of you?”
    “At least you do not have the duties I normally have,” Kirk twisted his mouth in disgust and wrinkled his nose.
    “In the last few days Captain Morgan has been able to take care of his personal needs on his own.” Tyra whispered as she stood to her feet. She could not hide the teasing smile tugging at her lips. “I will be sure to call you if your services are needed.”
    His green eyes narrowed and his lips twisted as he shook his head. “Twould be fine by me if I never see
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