Fly Me Home: Home is Where the Heat Is, Book 4
her body. Knowing she could feel them without having to reciprocate sexually gave her a whole new lease on her responses. Worse came to worst, she could take care of herself later. For now, she was going to enjoy every moment Ian had to offer.
    “Thanks,” she replied. “You look pretty good yourself.”
    The material hung open to his waist, revealing a tantalizing peek of his broad chest. He wasn’t hairless, but he was far from an ape. The belt hugged tight to his trim midsection, drawing her eyes until she bit her lip wondering what the V down to his hips would look like, or better yet, taste like… The robe hung to just below his knees and long, toned legs stretched out beneath.
    Pulling in a deep breath, she closed her eyes. “What do we do from here?”
    He laughed and in the next instance, his arms were around her. She opened her eyes to meet his gaze. “From here, you need to relax. Marissa is going to take your measurements.”
    Marissa entered the room again. She smiled and motioned for Liz to stand next to her. “I’m going to measure your height, chest, hips, and I’ll need to know what you usually wear for a bra size. It will be easier for me to measure you if you removed the robe.”
    Liz felt the heat crawling up her cheeks. “I-I don’t know.”
    Ian sat down again, crossing his legs at the ankles as he leaned back. “I’d get used to seeing people naked. During fashion week I see more breasts than a lactation expert.”
    “Seeing naked bodies doesn’t bother me,” Liz quipped. “It’s being seen naked that I find uncomfortable.”
    Ian waved that away. “You already know I think you have a great body. There’s no reason to be embarrassed. Take a long sip of your wine and drop the robe.” He pulled an iPad from the small desk next to his chair. “The sooner you’re measured, the quicker we can start shopping.”
    He waggled his eyebrows and held up the iPad. Taking mental notes on the interesting man Ian Malcolm was proving to be, she took a long, long sip of her wine, prayed Cain wouldn’t reappear, and let the robe slide free. Marissa took her measurements quickly and professionally, but it was Ian’s watchful gaze that held her enthralled. By the time the woman jotted down her notes, Liz had finished half her glass of wine. The room was warm, but she reached for her robe the second Marissa was done.
    “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Ian smirked.
    “You weren’t the one on display.”
    He sat up, his expression serious. “It wouldn’t bother me a bit.”
    “Of course it wouldn’t. You’re perfect.”
    The way he said the single word made it sound like she’d hurt his feelings. To ease the tension, she chuckled. “It wasn’t that terrible. Knowing you weren’t expecting anything made it easier,” she admitted. “You’re beyond attractive. If you were straight, that would have been a prelude to me climbing onto your lap and having my way with you.”
    “If I was straight?” Ian sputtered and coughed around his wine. “Come again?”
    The shock on his face made a knot form in her stomach. “You’re not gay?”
    Ian sat up in his chair, his eyes soft. “I apologize for any misunderstanding. If I’d known that’s what you thought…”
    “But… You were dating someone named Jimmy, and you’re a fashion critic, and Cain said something about you offering personal services.”
    “Bisexual, and as far as Cain and my services, I offer to set him up with the women I work with. Again, I’m really sorry for misleading you.”
    “No. No it’s my fault for assuming.” Liz pulled the robe tight. “I should go get dressed.”
    “Don’t.” Ian stood quickly, stalling her from running away from the whole embarrassing scenario. “Elizabeth, every move you make is sexy. I like your brains, your humor, your delectable ass. Watching you stand there naked was intense and enjoyable and all I could do was watch you and wonder how good it would feel to touch
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