placeholder. Like when a child has a favorite blanket, Flat Finn will be my security object. Only with more character than an unhygienic, unattractive, dirty fabric scrap.”
Matt just nodded.
“I want to talk about Finn right now,” she said.
“Okay.” He paused. “Let’s talk about Finn.”
“Where do you think that Finn would be now? He was going to travel, remember? Mom and Dad were going to be furious, correct? They would not have been pleased that he was going to spend a full year exploring the world instead of studying at college, but I think that it would have been thoroughly fascinating. Do you remember what he planned for this adventure?”
“I do.”
“If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that Finn would quite likely be in Portugal right now.”
Matt took her hand in his. “And what would he be doing there?”
“A strenuous bike tour through indescribably beautiful landscapes.” She shut her eyes. “Where would he go next?”
“After he’d romanced all the available women?”
Celeste laughed softly. “Yes.”
“Finland, of course.”
“He would not! You are very funny, but that location was not on his list.”
“Fine. Then he would go to the Netherlands.”
“And next winter he would ski in Austria. I know that would be a favorite of his. Can we go online later and look at pictures?”
“Sure. That would be fun.”
Celeste rolled onto her side, letting him rub her back. “Tell me more, Matty. Tell me about all the adventures that Finn would have. I like how you describe things. Can you do that for me?”
Matt smiled. “I can do that. Sure. I’ll do whatever you need.” He took a deep breath. “Well, Mali has a number of volunteer opportunities….”
Flat-Out Love , Chapter 8, Matt’s Point of View (MPOV)
Matt Watkins This status update is way too condescending. That means it's talking down to you, you may not have known that.
Finn is God Ugh. Is there a shorter word that means “uncooperative” and can be spelled with letters cut out from an assortment of magazines? Getting really tired here.
Julie Seagle Everything should be open 24 hours a day, all the time. I can't be expected to know in advance when I'm going to need anything.
Matt took his time walking home. Even though he had a ton of work to do that night, even though his messenger bag was now cutting deeply into his shoulder after the T was delayed, and even though he was starving and desperately wanted to scrounge for food, he wasn’t eager to get home. She was there. Julie. The girl who had invaded their family and disrupted the delicate balance Matt had fought so hard to establish.
Her presence here was a reminder of everything Matt had lost. They were all lying about Finn again, the way they always did to those who didn’t already know. He’s off traveling, that wild boy! Such an adventurer and humanitarian! It was really disgusting. If it weren’t for Celeste’s fragile state, Matt wouldn’t put up with this, much less actively participate. Julie being here made their dysfunction all the more pronounced. The way she responded to Flat Finn’s presence was so kind—and Julie was so smart—that it was certain she must look at them all with utter dismay. What made it all worse was that she had an appeal that tugged at a distant part of him, although he was fully aware she would never look at him with any hint of a romantic overtone. That was just a fact. Maybe a few years ago it could have been different, because Matt had been different, but certainly not now. Nor did it really matter because Matt didn’t have the desire, nor the capability, for anything outside of what he was already dealing with. Julie would be gone in a few days, and they could go back to hiding out in their controlled, insulated world.
As much as having her around threatened the equilibrium of the household, Matt would miss Julie. That didn’t make sense, considering he’d only known her for a