Flail of the Pharoah
long locks, so that she might be more presentable. His eyes gleamed in the flickering torchlight when he surveyed her.
    ‘It is good,’ he said brusquely. ‘Come now, soon I shall have a fat purse for you, my girl, and then you will be off my hands.’
    The palace of the Pharaoh was grander than anything Charmian had ever seen. Outside it was impressive enough, but inside the rooms were vast with high ceilings, and their walls painted in bright colours with scenes from nature. Charmian was led down seemingly endless corridors and through huge gaping doorways until she was told to wait in a room that was filled with men, women and children, herded together like cattle.
    They seemed to be of all races, some with strange features and peculiar markings upon their bodies, and with every hue of skin from pinkish grey, through tan and brown to black. Except, Charmian noticed, there was no one else with skin as pale as her own. She began to realise that, in the words of the old sagas her people used to recite around the hearth fire, she truly was ‘the fairest of them all’.
    A corpulent man was bustling around, organising the slavers and their human tribute. Slowly the crowd in the room diminished as the captives were led off to be presented to the Pharaoh, sometimes singly, sometimes in twos and threes. Charmian was one of the last to be called, and when Ephiras appeared she was quite glad to see him. He steered her through an antechamber piled high with offerings of food and treasures, then they waited at a vast lintel that was the gateway to the audience chamber. Soon Charmian would set her eyes upon the great King Seti himself. She trembled at the prospect.
    Ephiras led her in, and she found herself alone before the two thrones where the royal pair were seated. She glanced at the queen, who had the appearance of a beautiful woman even though she was past the first flush of youth. Her green eyes were outlined heavily with kohl, and her perfumed wig fell in glossy black coils. Her mouth was set in a sculpted half-smile. Her breasts were full and pointed beneath her pleated white gown, and a magnificent gold pendant set with rubies and lapis lazuli hung between them.
    All this Charmian took in at a glance, before her gaze moved to the Pharaoh. His bearing was magnificent, and on his head was the tall ceremonial crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, the same famous crown that her Egyptian tutor had described. A wide gold collar, studded with colourful stones, graced the Pharaoh’s neck, and below it the brown skin of his broad chest could be seen. He wore a wide girdle adorned with snakes and sun disks, and his powerful thighs were concealed beneath a short white tunic. Below the hem his sturdy calves could be seen and his feet were encased in gold sandals studded with more precious gems.
    The sight of such splendour dazzled Charmian. Surely this royal couple lived like gods on earth! Their power was tangible in that chamber, where the courtiers stood to attention and the scent of incense filled the place as if it were a temple. She bent over double in her attempt to show her abject obedience and homage.
    Ephiras had obviously been in the Pharaoh’s presence before, and his attitude was respectful rather than overawed. He bowed low, but his voice was clear and calm as he announced the gift he had brought to please his majesty. Then he asked Charmian to repeat the phrases of greeting he had taught her. Haltingly she began, but seeing the king’s face light up gave her more confidence and she finished her little speech well. A burst of applause filled the room, the queen and courtiers following Seti’s lead, and Charmian felt her pale cheeks flush with pleasure.
    However, they soon became hot with shame when she heard Ephiras invite the Pharaoh to examine her. She well knew what such an ‘examination’ might entail, so it was with great relief that she saw his majesty decline, saying he had faith in Ephiras’ judgement. Then
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