The “Sludge Diet” where you ate fast food, pizza and ice cream to create a “sludge” in your body that supposedly drew away the fat.
The “Chocolate Diet” which was similar to the “Sludge Diet” except you did it with chocolate.
She finished her report by saying that these diets wouldn’t work under any circumstances and, in some cases, could be harmful to your health. You know what happened? In those pre-Google days, the station was inundated with calls from desperate people frantic to know more about how they could get on those diets. The very ones she just said were harmful!
Things are even worse today.
Remember when they took the diet drug Fen-Phen off the market because it was giving people strokes and causing them to drop dead? People went apeshit. But they weren’t upset that it was killing people, they were upset that it was taken away. Sure, there was a chance you might die but so what? You lost weight, didn’t you?
People are willing to die to be thin. They want the secret. They want it now.
I’m a guy in the trenches. I deal with celebrities every day who have to stay fit to get jobs and pay their mortgage. They also can’t show up on set tired and lethargic. For twenty years, I’ve been helping them and now I’m going to help you by sharing the same weight-loss secret. Here it is.
Let me tell you what you’re feeling right now: a big let-down.
You didn’t know what I was going to say, but you were hoping it was some kind of trick you’d never heard before. But even though you may not realize it yet, what I just told you is magical. If you just do it, if you just—
—then you are going to be thin. It’s that simple. Notice what I didn’t say.
I didn’t say you need to count calories.
I didn’t say you need to eat low fat.
I didn’t say you had to watch your portions.
I didn’t say you need to exercise an hour a day.
The reason I didn’t say you need to do those things is because you are not on a diet .
I’m always able to tell when a new client will fail at losing weight long term when they ask me “how long will it take me to lose this weight?” I have a standard Vinnie-ism I give them in reply.
“ Why? Are you going to stop when you get there ?”
Whenever I hear that question, I know the client has a finish line in mind.
You don’t.
Life’s not like one of those TV weight-loss shows like Biggest Loser or Heavy . We can’t leave home for months at a time and be whisked off to a fatless fairyland where elves deliver us the perfect calorie-controlled meals, and trainers attend to us 24/7 for free. The truth is, if you look at the meals they serve on those shows the contestants are basically on starvation diets, which is not sustainable in the real world.
The camera loves it when you get a five hundred pound guy to drop a couple hundred pounds fast. Unfortunately, they’re setting them up for failure because they’ve got to leave paradise at some point and once the lights are off and the cameras are gone, these people have to find a way to live and eat like that for the rest of their lives.
Not you.
You are about to make a lifestyle change that is going to allow you to shed weight quickly and naturally, without pain and suffering, in a way that you will be able to easily maintain. I know you won’t just take my word for it, because it sounds too simple to be true, so I’m going to explain it a little more.
Don’t worry.
I’m not a scientist, so I promise not to get too sciency on you. There are plenty of books out there that do that very well, and I’ll point you in their direction if you’re interested. What I am going to do is explain why this works in a way that even I can understand.
Then I’m going to show you how to do it.
But before we get into that, we need to confront something head on. The myth of calories in, calories out.
Chapter Four
Alyse Zaftig, Meg Watson, Marie Carnay, Alyssa Alpha, Cassandra Dee, Layla Wilcox, Morgan Black, Molly Molloy, Holly Stone, Misha Carver