First Love (Complicated Love Book 1)

First Love (Complicated Love Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: First Love (Complicated Love Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather Carver
talking about it makes my heart beat speed up and my face get warm. “Since it’s a summer wedding, why not purple and blue, make it a more colorful day? They bitched.” Red is colorful. “I was about to pull out my hair, so I told my mom I had a lunch date with Brian then left to surprise him. Normally, I’d call first, but I was so flustered that I didn’t even think about it. When I showed up, Janice wasn’t at her desk, which I found very odd because she always watches Brian’s office like a hawk to make sure no one gets in. And you know how she’s constantly trying to keep me away.” I stop to take a breath.
    “Why is Janice not being at her desk a problem?” Frank asks, frowning, his nose scrunched up and his eyebrows knitted together.
    “Hold on. I’m getting there.”  I sit for a couple of moments, taking deep breaths, and then I chug the rest of my drink.
    A little more liquid courage will help—and hopefully hold the tears at bay.
    “Since Janice wasn’t around, I figured I’d surprise him. I needed the quiet and figured it wouldn’t hurt to be waiting in his office when he got back. As I approached the door, I should’ve recognized the sounds, but my mind wasn’t processing anything. Instead, I was lost in thought about how I could get ‘The Moms’ to leave me alone, I pushed the door open and all I could see was Brian fucking Janice with his face buried in her breasts. Then Janice started moaning. Before I could say anything, she said, ‘Harder, Brian. Right there. Don’t stop.’ Then she looked directly at me and smirked. It’s like she knew I was going to be there. Why else would she look up at that moment? I wanted to scream and yell at them, but I couldn’t, so I ran as fast as I could out of the building. I didn’t want anyone to see me break down and warn Brian I’d been there. And you know the rest because I called you right after that.”
    God, that was so hard to say out loud. I don’t want to cry again, but I can feel the tears streaming down my face. I don’t want to be an emotional wreck all day.
    “Oh, Donna. What the fuck?  How could he do this to you? He knows your history. I’ll help you castrate him.”   She takes a deep breath then quietly asks, “Are you sure it was Brian?”
    “I want to be mad you’d even ask me that, but it’s the same thing I would’ve asked if I hadn’t seen it for myself. Don’t you think I would have known if it wasn’t Brian?  I should’ve said something so he would have turned around, but I can’t go back and change anything, and I can’t quit hearing those sounds. They’re plaguing me.” I reach for Shawna’s drink and chug her margarita.
    Alcohol isn’t the answer, but sometimes, you need to forget, if only for a few hours.
    Frank leans forward in his chair. “Donna, you may not want my advice, but I really think you should talk to Brian about this. I know him, and I can’t see him cheating on you. He told me a while back there were some weird things going on in the office, and he was going to talk to you about them. Tonight, he mentioned he hasn’t had a chance to talk to you yet. Give him a chance to explain himself.”
    “I’m not sure why he felt he couldn’t talk to me but he could to you,” I mumble under my breath, hurt because Brian would tell Frank and not me. I’m sure my feelings are unjustified, but I can’t help but feel this way. “I do plan on talking to him, just not tonight. I can’t with my emotions all over the place. I don’t want to say something I’ll regret. How can he deny that it was him?  I saw him.”
    A part of me wishes he were here to talk to now. I need to know why he’d cheat on me.
    “You didn’t really see him though. You only saw the guy’s butt and legs. It could have been anyone,” Frank says. “I’m not trying to say you’re wrong. I only want you to see it possibly wasn’t him. If you didn’t see his face or anything on his body that tells you it was
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