Fired Up
badly to hold Janny on her lap, with Paul close beside her. She would love the normalcy of reading a book to her children.
    A sharp rap on the door stopped her from spending any great stretch of time being optimistic.
    She walked to the door of the diner, ready to shoo away whatever man came asking if she was open yet, which happened several times a day. Hungry men came to her front door, food and kindling came to the back. Life was taking on a rhythm.
    She saw through the window that it was Dare. Standing upright. His face scraped, but otherwise the scoundrel looked just fine, while she’d barely been able to crawl out of bed.
    Glynna felt like a weakling by comparison and straightened her shoulders as she reached for the doorknob to let him in.
    Paul was at her side, glowering, before she got the door open.
    Dare’s eyes slid from Glynna to Paul and back. “How are you this morning?”
    â€œI’m getting by. I’ve no need of a doctor, but thank you for inquiring. What in the world are you doing up and about? I thought you were going to rest for a few days.”
    â€œMay I come in?” He shoved his right hand in his pocket. “I find myself in a strange situation this morning, and I think your family can help.”
    Glynna stepped back to let him in.
    For a second, Paul didn’t. There was a hostile silence, but finally her son gave way. Dare came in and firmly closed the door behind him with his right hand. His left was held close to his body, mostly unmoving.
    He was acting very strangely, even for constantly moving Dare. Maybe the blow on the head had done some damage to his reason.
    â€œJanny, you come over and hear this, too,” Dare said. Frowning, he waited until Janny came up and the four of them formed a tight circle. “I’ve got a problem.” Dare looked between all of them, smoothing his mustache almost as if he were trying to cover his mouth and hold the words inside. “Um . . . can you all keep a secret?”
    Glynna nodded. “We lived with a man who terrorized us for a year and none of the men who worked for him ever knew. I won’t even start on my first husband. Yes, we can all keep secrets. All too well.”
    â€œRight,” Dare said. “Fair enough. Well, I’m not sure if I’m right about this, but I think I am, so . . .” His voice faded to silence and he shoved his right hand back in his pocket, then bounced one knee.
    â€œHas something happened?” Glynna had never seen Dare act so uncertain. “Something awful?”
    â€œNot awful, no. Um . . . the thing is . . . Vince and Jonas are riding out to help Luke clear out that narrow trail today. I’m going, too.”
    â€œDr. Riker,” Glynna snapped. “That is just pure foolishness. You aren’t in any condition to—”
    â€œStop.” It was an order, as if he thought she were a private in his ranks and he, of course, the general. “That’snot what I came about. I know I’m not going to be much help today. I’m afraid I’ll tear out my stitches if I do any bending and lifting.”
    Glynna heaved a sigh of relief. “Then why are you going?”
    Dare shrugged his left shoulder, and the smallest possible flinch of pain crossed his face. He didn’t move that side of his body again. Glynna realized that although the man was up and about and he couldn’t quite keep from fidgeting, he wasn’t moving like usual. He stood rigidly erect, and while his right arm and either leg moved, he kept his left arm and his back still. She was sorry for him, yet it made her feel a bit better about her own miserable condition.
    â€œI feel foolish saying this, because I might be wrong, but I want you all to come out to the S Bar S with us.”
    â€œWe’re not going back to that place, ever,” Paul said. The boy clenched his teeth, as hostile and stubborn as
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