Fire Nectar

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Book: Fire Nectar Read Online Free PDF
Author: Faleena Hopkins
always looked
great. His classic go-to was dark jeans, a white t-shirt and an expensive
blazer.   He always wore a watch even
though most people checked their phones for the time.   Being punctual was a quintessential
“Stewart-ism.” He felt you saw more if you arrived early. But the best thing
about him was his wit. He was very, very funny.
    Dani grinned and shrugged her shoulders.   “Hmm… it’s just, he looks like a
    “Which apparently Dan likes,” winked Stew. “Me, I like my
men more Neil Patrick Harris.   Tidy.
Well Dressed.   Thin.   Blond.”
    Anjelica smiled and added,“Yeah ,
he looks like he could have been in Lord of the Rings.”
    “Completely!” Stewart agreed. “See now there’s my point exactly.
I loved the blond elf.   Not the
little delicate one they traveled with - who was cute but somehow wasn’t
cutting it for me - but the one who was with Cate Blanchett in the forest.   He was so gay and so
gorgeous. What’s his name?”   he asked Anjelica.
    “I don’t know. Look him up on IMDB.” He pulled out his
phone and opened the app and Anjelica continued, “My favorite was Boromir .   He
came galloping into the movie and my pants fell right off.”
    Daniella let her gaze travel back to the bartender and
she caught him watching her with a slight frown. He turned away. Well, well,
well. She smiled, shifting focus back on her friends.
      “I can’t find
him. Too many people in the film.   I’ll have my assistant look him up.


    It wasn’t hard to find exactly where Gene lived in Bel Air.   The
Internet made that as easy as finding where the nearest Rite Aid was. The
depression had her again and she was sick of it, so she decided to have some
fun with Gene. Dani stood smack in the middle of his mansion’s backyard out in
the open beneath the clear sky. If he looked outside he could easily spot her.
When the numbness had been there, she would have wanted “easier.” Not tonight.
People don’t expect someone to be in their backyard so they rarely look. She
stood comfortably still, biding her time and savoring the anticipation as she
watched him walk from room to room.
    He looked like an accountant. He wore khaki slacks and a
light blue button-up, with the two top buttons open. The tie had been discarded
on a table by the door when he walked in a half hour before. She knew this
because she’d been there and witnessed it. She didn’t mind taking her time with
    His prescription glasses had no style what so ever.   He sometimes pushed them up on his nose
when he was really distracted and thinking. Let’s hear it for the truth in
stereotypes, she thought. He looked anxious as he called one person after the
other, hopelessly. One thing he didn’t look like was a killer. But he was one.
She knew it.   One killer can spot
another, especially after two centuries of practice. She watched him continue
to hang up and dial.
    It had been over 6 months since her last live meal. The
personal deal she’d made with herself was two a year.   That’s it.
    These past few decades of technological advancement had
changed things dramatically for vampires. Forensic science made hiding cause of
death much trickier. Plus there was a large influx of vampire awareness. Many
believed vampires to be real, not good. Also, computers tracked nearly ever
human’s existence - and disappearance from said existence – so vampires
had to be careful.
    In the old days it was fairly easy to hide a missing
person.   If people didn’t live in
the same town, they could only keep in touch by mail or telegram before there
were phones. It wasn’t uncommon for friends and family to lose touch - for
someone to fall away from society with little to no notice. If they did notice,
the reaction was often; “What happened to Leopold?   It is indeed a mystery of the highest
concern.   Pass the duck.”   Most human beings weren’t going to do
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