heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, because You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will You let your Holy One see decay!’”
Zichri started to rebut the point but thought better of it as he scanned the faces looking at him. He would hold his tongue—at least for now.
“Brothers,” Peter continued, “I can tell you that King David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day. But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that He would place one of his descendants on his throne. Jesus is this descendant of David!”
Many of the crowd turned to Zichri to see what he might answer, but to their surprise, he made no sound. He simply stared coldly at Peter. They turned away from him as Peter continued speaking. A few laughed under their breath. Peter began walking about now, turning so that the many people could see him as he concluded.
“Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ. He is Messiah!”
As Peter spoke, he and his brother could hear the anguished cries of people who were pushing in and asking, “If Jesus was the Messiah and we killed Him, what can we do now?”
The disciples marveled at the power of the truth to convince men’s hearts. Peter tearfully and with great joy shouted:
“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children…”
He indicated Zichri once more, who was still staring at him with cold eyes.
“And even for all those who are far off!”
The laughter among the crowd enraged Zichri. He had heard all he needed to hear. Satisfied that the evidence for seditious teaching was apparent, he turned from Peter and disappeared into the throng of people. He would have it out with Peter at a more opportune time. The priests followed him.
“Baptize us!” someone shouted.
Then another.
And another.
Peter looked up toward Heaven and blessed the greatness of the Lord. The faces of the people who wanted their lives to be transformed by the risen Christ reminded him of the days when Jesus Himself ministered. Then he recalled what Jesus had said: that they would themselves do even greater things in the name of the Lord when Jesus had left them. What a wonderful time to be alive!
Peter looked to Andrew and the others to organize the people who responded to Peter’s message. As the brothers watched the men heading to the various pools in various parts of the city to be baptized by the disciples, Andrew put his arm around his brother’s shoulder. He stood there for a moment, drinking in the scene. Peter felt a tug on his cloak and looked to his side. A man stood there, bowing and thanking Peter in great tears for his message. It was the drunkard Samuel! Peter hugged the man and, after praying for him, watched him get in the line to be baptized.
“Something marvelous was birthed today,” Andrew said. “Here in Jerusalem, on this Pentecost, the Lord’s work began anew!”
“Yes,” said Peter, smiling at Andrew, “the Lord’s work has begun anew.”
Just then the crowd fell silent at the blast of a ram’s horn that could be heard from the Temple in the distance. Peter turned his head in the direction of the sound.
“And the enemy’s work has begun anew as well.”
Chapter Four
Paul’s Cell, Rome, A.D. 67
“It was glorious,” Luke said.
Paul beamed in response, his weak eyes lighting up in the dark cell.
“Well?” Paul pleaded. “What else did you learn about that great day?”
“I have it all here,” Luke said, pointing to his head. “As well as here.” Luke pulled several large sheets of parchment from his bag. They were rolled in several small scrolls wrapped with a soft leather string. “These are my notes for the second account.”
Luke was a few years younger than
Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson