which, the way he's holding me tells me that wasn't a fluke.
"Everything's in perfect working order, nurse," he whispers, sliding his hands down to my bottom and holding me against him, "Would you like to check?"
Tempting. Oh so tempting.
But I resist. "I've got stuff to bring in from the car, then I'll see about an inspection, maybe." I give him a stern look as I pull away from him, then wink.
"Let me get my coat and I'll help you."
"No way! There isn't that much. You need to save your strength!"
I see the decisive, always in control Innes of the office longing to assert himself, but then he smiles and shrugs, abandoning macho stubbornness. "Okay, boss," he says, with a twinkling wink, "But is it okay then if I make us a cup of tea and some breakfast while you're bringing in the hoard?"
I give him an old-fashioned look. "All right then, but don't overdo it."
Not long afterwards, we're back in bed, under the covers, eating toast and marmalade and watching a silly film on TV. The fan heater is soughing gently in the corner of the room, and though it's not tropical, the worst of the chill has left the air.
What follows is the strangest Christmas Day ever spent, and the best. Some of it's spent platonically, scuttling between the kitchen and the bedroom, preparing and eating rich but jumbled meals and getting slightly tipsy on seasonal beverages, then goggling mindlessly at daft but traditional television programmes.
But it's not all platonic. In between there are giggly but beautiful bouts of cuddly, fumbling, duvet-bound sex, also slightly tipsy and rich with kisses and pleasure.
Innes mostly sleeps afterwards, revealing that he's still not fully recovered, but I salve my conscience by telling myself that sex is the perfect light exercise and good for his spirits. Bloody hell, it's doing wonders for mine!
Every now and then I wonder what'll happen when we return to normal life after Christmas. Innes doesn't speak of it, and I guess he's putting it out of mind, like me… but as he lies sleeping, he stirs and frowns once or twice.
*** *** ***
Boxing Day morning brings a trill on Innes' entry-phone, and as he's still sleeping, I swathe myself in his dressing gown and answer the call. To both my delight and my suppressed dismay, it's the central heating engineer.
While Innes sleeps on, I deal with him. The cheery craftsman quickly sees the problem, and miracle of miracles, he has the right parts to fix it. I offer him tea, and while we chat I discover something that makes me feel fonder and prouder of Innes than ever. It seems that he gave up his priority place on the central heating man's worksheet in favour of an old folks' home where the heating had broken too - and then told the guy not to spoil his Christmas by coming out afterwards.
When I return to the flat, the rumbling radiators are already warming up, and as Innes sits up, he smiles from ear to ear as if he's a kid again and Santa's brought him a bicycle.
"Wahey, let there be heat!" His blue eyes cruise slowly over me from top to toe. "Maybe now I'll get to see a bit more of your gorgeous body. It's been a crying shame to keep it covered up with jumpers and duvets."
"Well, it's early days yet. I'm not stripping off until the radiators are right up to temperature."
Innes is unabashed. "That just gives me something to look forward to, Nurse Florence." He waggles his expressive eyebrows again. "So, what's for breakfast?"
It's strange to be able to walk round the apartment without cringing and shivering beneath layers of clothes and blankets, but pretty soon, the central heating does its job and the atmosphere is toasty. Innes allows me some private me time in the newly warm bathroom, then takes his turn while I make phone calls and tidy up. It's lovely not to be cold, but perversely I'm also a bit nostalgic for it. Our arctic Christmas experience is almost over now, and we'll both soon be heading out elsewhere to our separate New Year celebrations.