
FinsFantasy Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: FinsFantasy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jocelyn Dex
doing it in
her mind.
    When her stomach growled again, she left the room to see if
he’d made anything for her. Disappointment and surprise set in when she saw he
was boiling pasta and peeling shrimp.
    “Hungry?” he asked.
    “Not for that . Why are you cooking that? Sempires only eat fruit.”
    His eyebrows raised.
    “Well you know what else we feed on.” She looked away when
her face heated.
    “We?” He shook his head. “You, not me. I can eat just about
    “How is that possible?” She eyed him. It was more proof of
him being a mutant.
    Fin shrugged and went back to peeling the shrimp. “I made
you a spiced-cherry smoothie and a fruit platter. It’s in the fridge.”
    She excitedly opened the fridge and snagged the smoothie and
fruit platter piled high with cherries, plums, pineapple, raspberries and carried
it to the coffee table in the living area. He’d even made a cherry dipping
sauce. Yum. She sat cross-legged on the floor and devoured the delicious
    He came out of the kitchen and set his bowl of shrimp pasta
and a cherry beer on the coffee table and sat on the floor across from her.
    “Mind if I eat here?”
    “Well, you already sat down and I’m almost done anyway.” Her
eyes widened and she licked her lips when she spotted the beer. “Where’d you
get that?” She wanted to snatch it from him.
    “Stopped by your brother’s place and grabbed it.”
    “You only got one?”
    He shrugged, opened the beer, took a swig and looked like he
was about to spit it out. He pushed the beer across the table toward her and
grimaced. “How can you drink that nasty shit?”
    She snatched the bottle, wiped the top but then set it back
down, looking despondent.
    One of his eyebrows rose. “Problem?”
    “I can’t believe you wasted that,” she pouted. “It’s sooo
    “Oh, I get it. Don’t want to drink after the mutant .”
    Her eyes widened and she leaned back from the table, looking
as if she was about to bolt. “I didn’t say that.”
    She must be worried he’d make good on his threat of kissing
her again. Shit. How much could his ego take?
    He shook his head, forced a smile on his face. “So rude,” he
mumbled around a forkful of pasta. “There are five more in the fridge. Help
    She jumped up eagerly, grabbed a bottle, twisted off the cap
and took a long swig. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she made an “aahhh”
sound. To his surprise, she sat back down on the floor across from him to
finish her fruit. He assumed she’d run away.
    After taking another swig, she asked, “You brought this for
    “Well, I sure as hell don’t want it.”
    Eyeing him suspiciously, she said, “Getting me drunk won’t
    He scowled at that. Her low opinion of him just kept getting
lower. If she really thought he’d intentionally get her drunk so he could take
advantage of her…well, it didn’t get much worse than that and his stomach
churned. “Not trying to get you drunk, just make you happy.”
    Some emotion crossed her face, but she looked away and
sipped her nasty beer.
    After a moment, she turned back to him. “So, you can eat
whatever you want and you have green eyes instead of gold. What else is wrong with
    “Wrong with me?” He sighed and pointed to his eyes. “Contacts.”
    So, he did have gold Sempire eyes. She absently
wondered if they were sharp and piercing or soft and caring. “Why wear
    “Well, as you so frequently point out, I’m considered an
abomination. Until a couple weeks ago, my mother and one of her guards were the
only ones who knew my true nature. My sisters didn’t even know they had a
brother. I figured it best to continue wearing the contacts around you, seeing
as how what I am freaks you out so much—one less reminder.”
    He twirled more pasta around his fork and stabbed a shrimp
before taking a bite.
    “They couldn’t sense what you were?” she asked, truly
curious. She couldn’t
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