Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3)
eyes with her napkin and gave him a grateful smile.
    “I have a sister. She made some bad choices at that age, too.”
    He drank down his juice and slid off the stool with a fluid motion that rippled the muscles of his torso, under his tight, white T-shirt. A thrill shot through Gwen.
    “I need to get that lock changed before I crash. Can you wrap the rest for me, and I’ll enjoy it later?”
    “Peter, you’ve been on duty all night. Why don’t you finish breakfast and head home? I can call a locksmith.”
    “Not going to happen.” His voice was firm. “I won’t rest until I know you two are safe out here. And, listen, if you’re not going to finish your omelet, I’d like that, too.”
    Haley slouched against the frame of the bedroom window. Finger poised over the ‘send’ button, she searched the lake for courage.
    She never imagined growing up was more than getting a college degree and a good-paying job. Why didn’t she have a mother who taught her things? One who helped her deal with consequences when she made disastrous mistakes, like this one?
    At least she had Gwen. She clung to the thought. Even if Gwen wasn’t anyone’s mom, she was way smarter than most people about how to deal with horrible messes.
    She stood tall and braced herself. Rick’s number was lit in the display of her iPhone. I can’t face him.
    Beyond the window, cobalt water sparkled in the late morning sunshine. Close in, by Gwen’s sand beach, a lone swan glided on the smooth surface, teasing the watcher into thinking independence was easy and natural and beautiful to behold.
    Haley snorted. “As if.”
    She wanted to be kayaking side by side with Rick right now, weaving through the little, round islands in Gwen’s corner of Chestnut Lake. Or hiking along the shoreline, watching for birds and wildflowers—asters and goldenrod and milkweed bursting with silken seed for the wind to carry. She wondered if she and Rick would ever again share hikes like that.
    She touched her left forefinger to the windowpane and sketched an invisible swan in the film of dust on the glass. To her eye, the new swan floated next to the lonesome one just beyond the beach.
    Peter is right . Rick has to know and decide with me .
    She took in a deep, steadying breath then pressed the connect button.
    Rick answered the nanosecond her number flashed on the display of his Android. “Are you all right? Where are you?”
    Haley’s laugh bubbled up like an intoxicant. “Rick? God, it didn’t even ring, did it?”
    “Haley, tell me where you are. Please. Is the baby okay?”
    “How do you . . .?” A sob escaped her.
    He softened his voice. “Haley, I know because I’ve been searching for you for a couple of weeks since I got back from the Gulf. The project wrapped up early. I’ve been going out of my mind trying to find you.”
    He knew she was listening because she punctuated each of his sentences with a moan.
    “They told me at the restaurant in the Springs that you quit and went to work at a diner. The diner told me you vanished a few days ago. I won’t even tell you what your mother said. Where are you?”
    Haley choked out her answer. “At my Aunt Gwen’s. Rick, I’m so sorry about being pregnant. I didn’t want you to know.”
    He pounded his fist against the lab table. “Why the hell not?” he roared. You’re losing it, Walker .
    He glanced around to see who might have overheard. The tables were empty, but a head appeared at the door to the hall. His major advisor, Professor Singh, stepped into the lab, five minutes early for their session. Rick smacked his forehead and held up his open hand to buy five minutes.
    Professor Singh planted both hands on his hips. “Very well, but we will also talk about this complication.”
    Rick nodded in surrender.
    Professor Singh returned to the hall and shut the door behind him.
    “I’m here.”
    “Do you agree?”
    “Someone came in, Haley, and I missed what you said. He’s gone
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