Final Cut Miami Voodoo You Love?

Final Cut Miami Voodoo You Love? Read Online Free PDF

Book: Final Cut Miami Voodoo You Love? Read Online Free PDF
Author: Belinda McBride
Tags: ISBN 978-1-59596-662-1
over her shoulder had revealed Antonio dropping to his knees in the dusk. With a sigh, she showered, toweled down and found a T-shirt to sleep in. Back in her little den, she grabbed a bottle of juice and a protein bar, and then flopped down onto her cot.
    The file had been badly maimed during their little altercation, and now had a few water spots on it. But it was still readable. She scanned the info on the missing lawyer, then turned to the more interesting details about the jailed vampire. When she finished reading, she lay back on the cot, watching the shadows on the roof, and listening to the water lapping against the wooden docking beneath her. It had to be the loneliest sound in the world. After a few moments, tears slipped from her eyes.
    “Don’t be stupid.” She wiped the tears away with the edge of the T-shirt. Like everything she owned, it had been salvaged from a lost and found pile somewhere. Nothing she possessed was her own, except maybe her name. Maybe.
    Rolling onto her side, she thought about the vampire and the tiger and the Siberian who was looking for his sister. It hadn’t occurred to her that someone might be looking for her . She’d spent so much time wrangling with her addled brain it had never occurred to her that her family might worry. Her friends might be searching for her. Pulling the thin blanket over her body, she tucked her knees up tightly to her body. She wrapped her arms around herself, deliberately letting her mind go blank and her body numb. That was the only way she had of coping these days. The sound of water against wood and the light scent of tiger lulled her to sleep.

    Chapter Six
    “Hi honey, I’m home.”
    Coco froze briefly at the whisper in her ear. She lunged from the cot… or she tried to. Something very large and heavy pinned her legs in place. Fear turned to blind panic and she struggled in the darkness, striking out, completely silent in her battle with the intruder. One hand connected with something hard, and the attacker cursed.
    “Coco, knock it off! Be still!”
    The command resonated through the small space, and against her instincts, Coco went still. Both of her wrists were wrapped in a powerful grip. Her mouth dropped open and she panted in fear. She heard fumbling, objects falling to the floor, and then her little lantern flickered to life. There, straddling her legs, was Antonio Silva. A streak of red marked his jaw where she’d connected. As soon as she saw the abrasion, her hand began to throb in pain.
    “Ssshhh… you’re okay, kitten. I’m not going to hurt you.” His voice was still low and rumbly, and her heart slowed while she was getting control of her lungs. The panic ebbed, to be replaced by anger. Still, fear outweighed the fury and she kept her mouth shut. It had been days since she’d taken the file, and she’d slowly been relaxing, wondering if she’d see the big tiger again.
    Antonio looked around her shed, he face carefully blank. When he looked back at her, she thought maybe she saw a flicker of pity lurking in his expression. That was enough to ignite the anger. Fear melted to the back of her mind, and to her annoyance, a thread of excitement shot through her. Of course, he was probably just after her for his file. He’d fucked her. He was undoubtedly finished with Coco.
    “What are you doing here? This is private property!” She tugged at her wrists but he didn’t budge. “How’d you get in? Cats don’t do water.”
    “The front doorway. You know, most businesses have doors for customers to walk in if they don’t happen to have a paddle board.” His hands remained around her wrists, but his gaze roved her body, a light of hunger in his eyes. So pity wasn’t enough -- now he wanted her? She bucked, managing to do little other than simulate sex, which wasn’t the intention at all.
    “Could you please… get off ?”
    For a moment, she thought he was going to ignore her, and then he lifted slightly,
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