Feral Hunger (2010)

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Book: Feral Hunger (2010) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stephanie Bedwell-Grime
with embarrassment. She hadn't cared much about what went on between vampires either. Until it had become her reality. So what do we do?
    He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and spoke very quietly. We wait for him to make a move. Each brush of his lips felt like an intimate caress. She'd never known her ears were so sensitive. Jaelyn hauled her thoughts back to the present.
    The tempo of the music slowed. Vlad held out his hand. Would you like to dance?
    Dance? In these shoes? She hadn't meant for it to slip out like that. She'd been trying to tame her suddenly overactive libido, which was now insisting on exploring her conflicted feelings for Vlad. The last thing she needed was to be up close and personal with him on the dance floor.
    He glanced down at her borrowed heels. She couldn't help but notice that his gaze lingered on the contours of her legs beneath the long dress.
    Don't worry, I'll hold you up.
    Tearing her gaze away from him, she nodded to the man standing in the shadows near the bar. Won't we be seen?
    Vlad looked at the throngs on the floor. It's crowded. I'll make sure you keep your back to him, so he won't be able to recognize you.
    He had a point. The club was especially busy, and they'd be less likely to be spotted if they were moving instead of standing there staring at him. Okay then.
    Vlad's arm slipped around her waist as he led her out onto the floor. He kept to the periphery, hiding them behind the throngs of the gyrating crowd. The music slowed even further as a new song began. A slow dance. No chance of a fast-moving song that would allow her to put some distance between them.
    As if thinking just that, his other arm came around her and he pulled tight. She brought her arms up to circle his neck. He gazed down at her, adoration shining in his eyes. You look wonderful tonight.
    Thanks. His dark eyes gleamed in the red light. The glow haloed his curls, making him look like a fallen angel. No wonder women had been so eager to go home with him. You clean up good yourself.
    That hadn't come out the way she wanted either, but it made him laugh. Jaelyn tried to marshal her thoughts and turn her attention to the task of flushing out her attacker.
    Can you see the man with the ponytail?
    Vlad brought his mouth down to her neck, pretending to nuzzle her there. He's still over by the bar. Don't worry about it, I'm on it.
    It was either worry about the man with the long hair or the man holding her tightly. With her quarry out of sight, she found it difficult to think about anything but Vlad. Pressed against him, she felt every inch of his muscular body. His broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist and his chest rippled with muscle.
    Taut thighs pressed against hers. He was thinking about her too. She could tell by his thickening erection. She tried to put some distance between them, but just then he moved his head and his lips brushed hers.
    That feather-soft touch set every nerve on fire. She felt the whisper of his lips all the way to her core. His tongue slid between her lips as he deepened the kiss.
    No one had ever kissed her so thoroughly. He all but devoured her like she was a delicious feast. Good lord, if that was how the man kissed..., she thought, her last rational thought for some time.
    She returned his kiss, tempting him with her own tongue. People swirled around them on the dance floor, but she couldn't spare her attention for anything but Vlad. Oh no, this was it. Despite her vow, she was falling for him. Strangely that thought didn't bother her.
    Suddenly his head came up. The loss of his mouth startled her. Then her instincts sharpened. Vlad covered his movement deftly, moving his mouth back to nuzzle her ear. Don't look, but he's on the move.
    When she would have brought her head up to look, he said, Just pretend we're dancing. I'll maneuver us in his direction.
    She did just that, gazing up into his eyes, pretending to chuckle at something he'd said. Vlad played the part of ardent
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