about this?”
“I’m afraid so. Mother told Robert Earl, the mouth of the south, about the money. Mother telling him was her way of ensuring all her children got the news. He called me at three in the morning and told me.”
“Has the family received this money yet?”
“Not yet. I’m not sure how it works. I guess the money won’t be doled out until we find out who murdered Daddy.”
Sheriff Bledsoe shook his head. “You’re thinking insurance money. As long as your father was of sound mind when he made out his will and had three witnesses, he determines the whenever and to whomever his estate is to be issued. Who’s the executor of your father’s will?”
“I don’t know.”
“The name of the beneficiaries?”
“Mother, Ruth Ann, Shirley, Robert Earl and me.”
“Have you seen the will?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Hmmm. Do you often fly home for family barbecues?”
“No. The barbecue was planned as an early celebration of my parent’s golden wedding anniversary. Shirley and Ruth Ann scheduled it to accommodate my vacation week.”
“I see. Anyone you know, friend or family member, who held a grudge against your father?”
Leonard stared at the floor, concentrating. “Daddy aggravat ed people. Snide comments, name- calling, insults. He’d raise holy hell if you didn’t pay his money back. If he borrowed from you, he got amnesia, then got testy if you insisted reciprocation. One time Daddy took a rather nasty whooping over an unpaid debt.”
“From who?”
“Joe Hill. A long time ago, and after Joe whooped Daddy, Mother paid him. I doubt Joe still holding a grudge.”
“You sure it was Joe? I know Joe, he’s not the fighting type.”
“Borrow thirty dollars from Joe and don’t pay him back, then tell me what he won’t do. I was there when he ran to the house, smoke blowing out his nostrils.”
“Joe Hill whooped your daddy at your daddy’s house?”
“Not inside the house. When I yelled, ‘Joe’s coming,’ Daddy ran out the back door. Joe caught him in the backyard.”
“Anyone else whom your father disagreed over money.”
“There was a tiff between Daddy and Robert Earl, but Daddy didn’t owe Robert Earl money.”
“A tiff? A disagreement or a fight?”
“I wasn’t there. Shirley told me about it. According to her, Robert Earl went to Daddy and asked for an advance on his share of the money, fifty thousand dollars, if I’m not mistaken. Daddy, as usual, feigned amnesia, told Robert Earl he’d lost his one and only marble. Robert Earl called Daddy a tightwad. They pushed and shoved each other, but it didn’t get dirty.”
“Sounds to me Robert Earl needs money in a bad way. He’s having financial problems?”
“No more than anyone else. You see, Robert Earl dreams of opening a combination snake farm and gas station.”
Sheriff Bledsoe arched an eyebrow. “Snakes?”
“I’m afraid so,” wondering if Sheriff Bledsoe thought his entire family was insane.
“Here in Dawson?”
“Yes.” Leonard sighed. “Right here. Robert Earl stopped at a gas station displaying snakes when he was in Arizona. It definitely made an impression on him; he’s been talking about it for years.”
“Has Robert Earl--”
Leonard cut him short. “Robert Earl is not a murderer. He’s a snake lover, a blowhard, a coward, a nut--he’s not a murderer. He’s also a homophobe, though I’m sure you wouldn’t hold that against him.”
Sheriff Bledsoe ignored the slight. “I didn’t say he was a murderer. Money brings out the worst in people, good and bad people.” He paused and looked Leonard straight in the eye. “I have to ask you this. Did you murder your father?”
“I said it once and I’ll say it again. I did not murder my father.”
“You willing to take a polygraph?”
“Yes,” Leonard snapped. “Day or night.”
“When were you planning to return to Chicago?”
“Today, just as soon as I leave here.”
Sheriff Bledsoe shook his head.