control and ask the guy out. I can flirt if I am not thinking about it, but when I tense up it’s like I have word vomit. “Maybe I should just ask him out.”
“I say, go for it. The worst he can say is no."
“All right, on Monday I will try to catch him alone, and see if he wants to hang out or something." Project "Forget Connor" starts Monday. For the remainder of the football game, I tried to focus on Blake in his uniform, but Connor was always close by or stealing my attention. This may take a little time.
After the game, I usually spend the night at Leah’s. It is our weekly ritual. We always watch a movie and snack, while we talk about whatever needs to be discussed. I have the feeling Miles and Blake are on the agenda.
“So are you seriously going to ask Blake out?" Leah asks. I see I was right.
“Yeah. You are right, I need to get over this thing I have for Connor.”
“Just think, if we both got boyfriends, we could go on double dates. That would be so much fun." Leah is such a romantic. “So what movie you want to watch? I think it is my pick. If I recall, we watched The Shining last time.”
“Why don’t I ever get to pick the movie?” Connor asks from the doorway.
“Because you weren’t invited to the sleepover,” Leah says with a shake of her head.
“Come on Leah, let me pick just this once,” Connor pleads.
“Connor, you have a television and DVD player in your room, you watch whatever you want there,” she argues. Connor turns to leave the room and we both notice he looks sad. I glare at Leah and she finally relents.
“Fine, but you better not pick something scary. Pick something with a happy ending,” Leah smiles. Watching Leah and Connor argue is like watching a tennis match.
“Hey, Blake let me borrow Men in Black 3 , how’s that?”
“Connor, that is not a happy ending movie, don’t you have anything funny we can watch?” She protest.
“What do you think Abby?” Connor asks me with a look.
“I am not getting involved. It’s up to you guys. But the longer you argue, the less chance we have of staying awake during the movie. You guys know we usually fall asleep. So for goodness sake just play something.”
“Okay, Men in Black 3 it is. Thanks Abby for agreeing with me.” Connor says as he starts the movie. I glare at him, which makes him chuckle. We all get into our usually spots. Leah is curled up in her twin bed, I am in my sleeping bag on the floor, and Connor is lying in the floor next to me. You would think with my crush, I would get nervous but I don’t. I guess I have been in this spot so many times, I am used to it.
“So, Blake said he went out to eat with the Mathletes. That must have been interesting. He told me about the two girls staring at him. I wish I had been there to tease him,” Connor snickers.
“Yeah, Blake was a big hit with everyone. That’s probably the first time I really talked to him. He seems like a great guy,” I reply.
Connor looks at me sharply, “Abby, do you like Blake?"
“No, I mean yes. I mean I like him. He seems really nice. I don’t know. I think I will shut up now.” I reply as my cheeks turn pink.
“So you might like him?” Connor asks and then continues to stare at me when I don’t answer.
“Abby? Answer me. Do you like Blake?” He asks again, now sounding a little annoyed.
“I don’t know, Connor. I don’t really know him all that well. Why are you getting so upset about this? He is your best friend. What’s wrong with me liking Blake?”
“Nothing is wrong with it. Look, I’m sorry. I guess it just surprised me, that’s all. Now shut up and let me watch the movie.“ Then he turns toward the television and stopped talking to me completely. I continued to stare at Connor but he totally ignored me. After a few minutes of quick glances from the corner of my eye, Connor finally gave me a questioning look.
“Why are you being a jerk about this?" I ask in a huff.
“Look, I am just tired,
John Warren, Libby Warren
F. Paul Wilson, Alan M. Clark