Fallen: Celeste

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Book: Fallen: Celeste Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tiffany Aaron
having a bit of a problem.
You should think about heading out to see her."
    "Celeste." William turned to look at Mika'il. "Why
do you care? In all the centuries since our banishment, you have never gone out
of your way to help us."
    Mika'il stared over William's shoulder into the world outside the
window. "I've done what I have been allowed to do. You haven't made it
easy on me. Who do you think sends you the dreams?"
    "Someone who wishes to drive us crazy. Have you any idea what
they do to us?"
    The archangel shrugged. William knew Mika'il wasn't unsympathetic
to the fallen, but he had reached his limit of patience with their whining long
ago. "Deal with them, William. They are part of your punishment. Maybe if
you had thought about everything before you rebelled, you wouldn't be in this
    William smirked. "That's me. I've always raced in where
angels feared to tread, sir."
    Mika'il smiled slightly. William had often made Mika'il laugh even
during the worst moments. "That's true, William. I need you to go to
Detroit. Celeste needs help. You are the only one she trusts."
    "Why are you here? The head of His Host of Heaven shouldn't
be concerned with a fallen."
    "We all have our weaknesses and it looks like mine might be
your kind." Mika'il looked at William. "Just go to Celeste,
William." He disappeared before William could say yes or no.
    "Damn angel. Coming and going like he owns the place. I guess
I'm heading for the Motor City."

    Sensing a presence in his room, Adam woke quickly. He saw Jakar
standing in the shadows away from the pale early morning sunlight.
    "What is it, Jakar? Where's Celeste?"
    At Celeste's name, an emotion flared in Jakar's eyes. If Adam
didn't know better, he would have said it was fear. "Celeste left earlier
this morning."
    "She left? Where did she go?"
    Jakar shrugged. Watching Adam climb from the bed, Jakar said,
"You need to be careful getting involved with her, Adam. She isn't like
    "So she told me. I'd never have thought someone who looks
like she does would be crazy."
    "What am I supposed to think about her? She tells me she's a
fallen angel. Get real, Jakar."
    "What if I told you it's true? Celeste Young really is one of
the fallen, Montgomery. She has lived for centuries. Since she can never return
to Heaven, she searches out the evil haunting the world. How would you handle
    "I can tell she makes you nervous." Adam pulled on his
robe. He was worried Jakar was losing touch with reality as well.
    "Yes, she does."
    "I never thought I'd see the day when you would be nervous
about a woman." Adam laughed as he made his way to his bathroom.
    "She could destroy me if she should choose to do so,"
Jakar stated softly.
    Adam turned back. "Destroy you? How?"
    "She has more power in her than I would ever dream of having.
Even the fallen don't like my kind."
    "What are you, a vampire?"
    "Among other things. The point is not what I am. The point is
her agenda is not the same as yours. She doesn't care about the things you care
    "I only fucked her, Jakar. I'm not going to marry her."
Adam went into the bathroom. A few seconds later, he stuck his head back out.
"Get a hold of the guys. See if anyone has heard anything about this
    "Sure thing, boss." Jakar left, knowing that Adam was
already doomed. You couldn't fuck an angel—even a fallen one—without falling in
    * * * *
    When Adam arrived at his office, Jakar was hanging up the phone.
    "Has anyone found anything out?" Adam demanded.
    Jakar shook his head. "They have some leads, but nothing's
panned out yet."
    "Keep me posted." Adam grabbed his cell phone and headed
back out the door.
    "Where are you going?"
    "To find our favorite angel and see what she can tell
    Jakar wondered if he should just pack up and leave town. There
were some fallen and Enforcers who would never allow a True Demon to live, but
Celeste had the chance to kill him last night and she hadn't.
    * * * *
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