Fallen Angel

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Book: Fallen Angel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Patricia Puddle
a corner and pulled
into a driveway at the end of a cul-de-sac.
    Nathaniel peered out at
the surrounding forest. “It’s certainly peaceful around
    “ Yes,” said
Ramiel. “The O’Connor’s bought this house a year ago. It’s is a bit
rundown, but it’s surrounded by five acres of land and only minutes
to the beach.”
    “ It’s a
lovely place to bring up a child,” said Nathaniel. “But having a
house surrounded by trees makes it easy for the likes of Devlin to
sneak around unnoticed.”
    “ True, but I
haven’t seen anyone in the year I’ve been here.”
    “ But you
weren’t with Madeline twenty-four hours a day, were
    Ramiel shook his head.
“Of course not. I had other wards to attend to as well, and now I
have two new ones. But I’m hoping that you’ll help me out from time
to time, especially since Michael has taken you off the
    Nathaniel’s brows knitted
together. “Yes, and that’s a shame since there’s a shortage of
guardians, but I have to protect Eloise twenty-four-seven. There’s
no way I could do that if I had other wards as well.”
    “ No,” said
Ramiel. “Not with Lucifer so keen to have her soul.”
    “ But what
about Madeline? With so many wards, how are you going to protect
her as well?”
    “ I’m glad you
asked because I was about to ask you a favour.”
    “ Oh, what is
    “ Would you be
able to guard Madeline for me when I go to attend to my other
    “ Sure, if I’m
to be here twenty-four-seven, that shouldn’t be a problem. And if
there’s an emergency I can’t handle, I’ll send for you.”
    “ Thanks,”
said Ramiel. “That takes the pressure off. You won’t mind if I take
off today, then? I have a lot of catching up to do. Gabriel’s been
guiding my wards for three weeks while I’ve been at the
    “ Of course,
go ahead.” Nathaniel smiled. He was pleased he could help, but he
was disappointed Ramiel wouldn’t be around for company, especially
after losing his best friend. Minding a baby with no one to talk to
could make an angel pretty restless.
    One night while Eloise was
sleeping, Nathaniel stood by the nursery window and gazed out at
the full moon. Six months had passed since Eloise was born, yet
there’d been no visit from Devlin. Nathaniel still didn’t trust
him, especially since he’d threatened to take her back, though he
missed him terribly. Shaking his head, he walked over to the cot.
There was no way he would leave the baby alone, not even for a
minute. Devlin could be as cunning as a fox when he wanted. Knowing
him, he’d turn up when least expected.
    Nathaniel gazed down at
Eloise and smiled. She looked like a little angel when she was
asleep, but when she was awake she was forever getting into
trouble. If she wasn’t attempting to climb out of her cot, she was
trying to crawl outside. It seemed she loved nothing better than to
escape out of an open door. At least during the day he didn’t have
time to dwell on his loneliness. He was too busy trying to keep
Eloise safe from harm. Even this morning, she’d crawled towards the
dam when her mother was hanging out the washing. If he hadn’t
distracted her by blowing leaves about until her mother turned
around, she may have fallen in. He shook his head. He wished
Madeline would put a playpen in the garden to keep her daughter
    There was certainly no
time for daydreaming while the child was awake, but the nights were
always lonely. As he glanced out the window at the kangaroos and
wallabies, the TV in the lounge room was switched off and the house
went quiet. Nathaniel looked up at the night sky and resigned
himself for another long and lonesome night. Madeline always went
to bed early and whenever Matthew worked away from home, his
guardian went with him. Not that Anael was much company. He was
always helping humans with problems of love, passion, and
sexuality. Most guardians had no knowledge of such subjects and
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